by Cool Mom Team | Tips and Tricks
Just because January is over doesn’t mean we can’t still clean, organize, declutter and start fresh. Most of us will start (and finish) with the obvious physical objects surrounding us and taking up space. While our editor Christina shared how the KonMari...
by Kristen Chase | Uncategorized
I am fortunate that my grandmother was a writer, so she took it upon herself to write all her amazing life story down for us before she passed away. Even so, I would have loved to have had StoryWorth, a service that helps you capture your loved ones’ stories and...
by Kristen Chase | Tips and Tricks
Even though I downloaded iOS 10 last week, like many of you, it’s taking me awhile to get used to all the changes and new iOS 10 features. Oof, there are a ton. And while I have to admit that I’m liking most of them, there’s definitely a learning...
by Kate Etue | Tips and Tricks
This week I got a scam email claiming to be an invoice from my iTunes account on Apple. Luckily, a few things tipped me off that this wasn’t legit, so I contacted Apple about it and saved myself the tremendous hassle of having to change all my credit card...
by Nicole Blades | Tips and Tricks
Think about the last email you sent off in haste. Maybe it had a ridiculous typo. Or, worse, you spilled out all your anger or hurt feelings across the QWERTY instead of taking a breath — or a night’s sleep — before hitting send. Ugh. The worst....
by Liz Gumbinner | Tips and Tricks
When I finally broke down and got my daughter an email account (all my friends have one! actually does work sometimes) we had the long, requisite discussions about safety, etiquette, and responsibility. But wow, it turns out there’s so much more than that....
by Liz Gumbinner | Tips and Tricks
When my friend Anna, who is my go-to source for everything related to time management mentioned Boomerang for Gmail, I figured it was worth a shot. And wow…consider my life changed. If you’re a Gmail user who finds yourself sometimes drowning in email and...
by Nicole Blades | Tips and Tricks
Do you have some basic tech chore to do — say, deleting old digital photos — but you just never seem to find the time to get to it? It’s like permanently etched in your to-do list, and every time you scroll through your loaded smartphone camera roll,...
by Julie | Tips and Tricks
Ever wonder how to unsend an email, say… you hit send on an email, and then realize you had a typo, sent it a little too soon or included the wrong information? Or worse, wrote something and accidentally sent it to the last person you’d ever want to see...
by Liz Gumbinner | Tips and Tricks
As someone who gets literally hundreds and hundreds of emails a day (note to everyone I know: sorry I haven’t gotten back to you yet), I have been going absolutely nuts figuring out if there was some sort of Gmail shortcut to allow me to simply delete the...