by Kristen Chase | Social Media
Our friends over at Common Sense Media recently conducted a survey study of teens 13-17 years old, and we have to admit that the results are fascinating, and well, reassuring. If you have a tween or teen, it’s worth taking the few minutes to read their summary,...
by Kristen Chase | Social Media
If you suddenly see someone trying to call you from Instagram, don’t freak out. It’s the new Instagram video chat feature that just launched. Related: How to post photos from your Instagram Feed to your Instagram Story To make a call, you’ll click...
by Kristen Chase | Best Apps
With the popularity of the app, it’s no surprise that Facebook has jumped on the bandwagon with the launch of their new Lip Sync Live feature. Related: 12 risky apps parents should watch out for Similar to what folks share on, Lip Sync Live...
by Cool Mom Team | Tips and Tricks
We declutter our closets, and rotate our kids’ toys, but what about all those apps on your phone right now? Or the notifications pinging you every few minutes? Do I even need to bring up how many photos you have on your phone? Related: 6 ways to simplify your...
by Kristen Chase | Mother's Day Gifts
I always say that when it comes to parenting, if I wasn’t laughing, I’d be crying. Maybe that’s why I love these funny Mother’s Day cards that you still might be able to grab before Sunday if you hurry, or in a couple of cases, download them....
by Kristen Chase | Social Media
Updated on 4/11/18 below Today, Facebook will be rolling out a feature to help you check to see if your data, along with around 87 million other people, was stolen by Cambridge Analytica. While we haven’t seen anything on our own Newsfeeds yet, here’s what...
by Cool Mom Team | Internet Safety
After this recent Facebook data-mining scandal, we know that many users are feeling conflicted about staying on the platform. And we’re seeing various articles and reports, from whether you should leave altogether to why you should stay on. Talk about confusing!...
by Kristen Chase | Tips and Tricks
Back in 2017, we covered a story about hackers using Facebook quizzes to steal user data. And now, here we are in 2018 with the Cambridge Analytica scandal, where over 50 million users had their information pulled thanks to a personality app. With that in mind, we...
by Kristen Chase | Uncategorized
I recently moved into a new home and needed a way to get rid of some of my old stuff (furniture, bikes, 4000 stuffed animals). Upon the recommendation of a couple of trusted friends, I decided to give Facebook Marketplace a try. As much as I’ve been annoyed by...