by Kristen Chase | Tips and Tricks
If you’ve been using Facebook’s photo sync feature to back-up your photos, then you’ll want to be sure to back them up. Why? Because if you don’t do it by July 7, they will be deleted for good. Keep in mind that this only applies to Facebook...
by Kristen Chase | Tips and Tricks
There’s nothing worse than putting a post up on your Facebook feed only to have only a few of your friends like or comment on it. Okay, there are lots of things worse than that, but you know, it’s annoying, especially when you’ve got a question you...
by Kate Etue | Tips and Tricks
You know the junk mail or spam box in your email, where sometimes non-spam emails end up? Well, it turns out Facebook has a similar filter for your Facebook Messenger PMs, and just like with email, a lot of legit messages are getting sucked into this filter and...
by Cool Mom Team | Social Media
We cannot tell you how many of our readers and Twitter followers ask if you can edit tweets. And if you spend any time on the network at all, you’ve probably seen those requests pop up too. So at long last –hooray! — Twitter is rolling out Tweet...
by Liz Gumbinner | Social Media
Today I cracked open my Facebook feed and was officially welcomed to the emojification of Facebook, with their new reaction system that gives you more options than mere “likes.” For everyone who ever begged for a dislike button, the current solution takes...
by Kristen Chase | Tips and Tricks
A couple of weeks ago, our friend Heather from the Rookie Moms discovered that her babysitter had been taking photos of her kids on SnapChat and she asked her Facebook friends what they would do about this. Now before you freak about sexting, SnapChat has pretty much...
by Kristen Chase | Tips and Tricks
As we watched the events in Paris unfold on the news last night, we were shocked and horrified, and immediately wondering what we could do. We’re feeling especially thankful for technology and social media today, which has made us feel a little less helpless in...
by Nicole Blades | Tips and Tricks
For so many of us, Facebook is like a having your own personal time machine and their On This Day feature can definitely make for a fun throwback, plus let you re-share those important digital memories. But there’s a flip side to skipping down memory lane for...