by Cool Mom Team | Tech Toys
It wasn’t all that long ago that Uglydolls hit the world (and my kids’ bedroom) by storm, and now they’ve totally made the leap from crib to computer. The new Uglydoll jump drives by Mimoco just launched as part of their indie artist series, and I...
by Delilah S. Dawson | Gear + Hardware
That’s right, citizen: we’ve found a powerful power cord that can protect you from surges, outlet insufficiency, and most of all, boredom. Whether you’re into comic books, Harry Potter, Zeus, or just brightening up the mundane, this Lightning Bolt...
by Cool Mom Team | Fashion + Accessories
If you’ve got a thing for photography or know someone who does, how great is this camera necklace? You can find the shoot me camera necklace at Etsy’s Make Pie Not War, or if you’re an Uncovet member, you can grab it there for a limited time for just...
by Cool Mom Team | Websites We Love
Obsessed with Pinterest like we are? Follow us on Cool Mom Tech and check out some of our favorite pins from this week that we think are worth sharing. 1. A cool iPhone case from one of our fave diaper bag designers. Want! 2. A hilarious alarm clock that...
by Cool Mom Team | Back to School Tech
Our tweens and teens heading back to school aren’t satisfied with cute erasers and personalized pencils anymore. They want tech! Aside from all those tablets and phones and laptops they’ve got 400 good reasons they need, here are a few little doodads to...
by Cool Mom Team | Random Coolness
I am beyond happy that smart is in fashion–for us and for our kids. (In fact, check our Cool Mom Picks back to school shopping guide for a whole category of tees that promote smarts instead of stupidity.) And while they don’t make this particular design...
by Cool Mom Team | Tech Toys
I’m pretty familiar with the saying about wearing your heart on your sleeve, but with this new line of t-shirts, we might have a new one that’s very 2012: Wearing your tweet on your chest. The tShirtOS programmable t-shirt will actually allow you to...
by Delilah S. Dawson | Fashion + Accessories
If I saw this bracelet, I would pick it up. I would put it on. I would feel totally tough, like a punk rock princess. And then, when I realized its brilliant geek-chic secret, I would be even more excited. Because it’s so much more than a pretty bracelet. Turns...
by Delilah S. Dawson | Entertainment
We were riveted when Curiosity landed on Mars, watching intently to see all the scientists, hugging and celebrating.And then…we saw our new geek girl crush, Bobak Ferdowsi, known around the internet as NASA’s Mohawk Guy. Want to know more? Of course you...
by Delilah S. Dawson | Fashion + Accessories
We’ve all been there. Staring at an out-of-date PC tower, trying to figure out what to do with twenty pounds of useless technology that was top-of-the-line three years ago. But Italian designer Paolo Mirai has a great new way to use your old circuit boards:...