by Molly | Tips and Tricks
It doesn’t even phase my kids anymore that my camera is always in front of my face like an extra appendage growing out from my nose. And while I give them the occasional photographic direction, “Can you please zip up your zipper before I take some more...
by Cool Mom Team | Social Media
If you follow us on Twitter, it’s pretty clear from our links that we’re completely addicted to Pinterest, a virtual cork board that allows you to “pin” online inspiration and share it with others. We’ve been using it both for Cool Mom...
by Cool Mom Team | Best Apps
Even though I’m not cooking the turkey this year (hooray, hallelujah, amen!), I’m preparing a few side dishes and desserts. And because I’m not necessarily known for my kitchen skills, you can bet I’m going to be relying heavily on my smart...
by Jeana | Tips and Tricks
We’re so appreciative of our Cool Mom Picks community on Facebook, but thanks to recent major Facebook changes the site has made, we’re hearing that a lot of you aren’t seeing our updates. We feel for you! We’re not seeing a lot of our own...
by Cool Mom Team | Games + Gaming
Want to have the coolest pumpkins on the block? We think we’ve got you covered this year. Grab this free Angry Birds printable pumpkin templates courtesy of Brenda Ponnay at Alpha Mom, and just trace them onto your pumpkins to create a whole flock including the...
by Beth | Internet Safety
Well one thing is clear about the new changes on Facebook–none of it is clear! At least according to our community, who bombarded us with questions on our Facebook page and our Cool Mom Picks Twitter account his past week, at our request. In fact, there are so...
by Cool Mom Team | Tips and Tricks
I’m a pretty avid Mozilla Firefox user, but only recently have I entered the amazing world of Add-ons. While we’ve covered a few that we really love, like PriceBlink (amazing!), this week I asked our Twitter followers for their own favorite Firefox...
by Cool Mom Team | Tips and Tricks
Since purchasing my MacBook Pro late last year, I became addicted to the convenience and functionality of Google Docs. Turns out, I’m not the only one. When we asked our readers and Twitter followers how you are using Google Docs, the answers were so varied, it...
by Cool Mom Team | Tips and Tricks
It’s only been in the last year that I’ve come to understand the true organizational joy that is Google Calendar. But even with how much I use it, I realize that there are probably a bunch of other uses that could make me more productive. So for this...