by Cool Mom Team | Uncategorized
When I opened the mysterious package that arrived for me this week, I was surprised to pull out a vintage hat box. Surprised and happy–since vintage hat boxes are one of my most favorite things. Inside, there was all this cool ephemera…a very smart way of...
by Jeana | Websites We Love
When I was in junior high, I remember a phase when all I wanted to do was create these photo montages, where I would take a big ‘ol piece of posterboard and glue pictures of me and my friends onto them. Where I would get really fancy is when I’d cut out...
by Liz Gumbinner | Photography
Ever since discovering the Instagram iPhone app, I’ve become completely obsessed; so much so that it’s all I really use to take photos of my kids anymore. I’ve been trying to figure out a way to share them with friends and family, other than emailing...