by Kristen Chase | Entertainment
We’re huge Spotify fans in my home and on the go (in case you were still wondering whether moms actually know how to use Spotify), and now with the big New Spotify announcement yesterday, I’ve suddenly got a few more reasons to love this popular streaming...
by Liz Gumbinner | Entertainment
As I woke up New Year’s day and made pancakes to the sweet sounds of NPR, I realized how much I really like radio. But with radio dying, I’ve started making my way over to podcasts which let you filter exactly what you want, when you want it, often for...
by Shari | Websites We Love
Once in a while, my husband and I have been known to make wise family decisions and this was one of our best: we took the TV sets out of the entire first floor of our house, wanting to spend a bit more time in conversation (remember that?) with our kids and a bit more...
by Stephanie Mayers | Entertainment
With the plethora of app offerings these days, I had all but forgotten the trusty podcast; the non-streaming, no frills audio and video sessions that are there for you whenever the mood strikes; whether in the air, below ground or at your desk.Thankfully Apple...