by Cool Mom Team | Uncategorized
Every year, we round up our top 10 most downloaded Spawned Parenting Podcasts. As we enter our 5th season (yes 5!), it’s fun to look back on what resonated with you, our awesome listeners. And if you’re looking to catch up on episodes, or you’re new...
by Kristen Chase | Tips and Tricks
We know that “digital parenting” is quite the buzz phrase these days. Our approach to it has been similar to how we parent our kids around similar difficult topics (think non-alarmist, non-judgmental), except unlike the sex talk or the drug talk,...
by Kristen Chase | Tips and Tricks
So your kids are obsessed with watching other people play video games and you can’t quite wrap your mind around it. We decided to ask video gaming expert Dr. Rachel Kowert to weigh in on this phenomenon and tell us what we need to know. We’ve spoken about...
by Kristen Chase | Social Media
Over the last few weeks in particularly, we’ve seen our Out Tech Your Kids Facebook community filled with parents who seem panicked — or at least very concerned — about kids and texting and social media. And if you follow us (or are a member of that group), then...
by Kate Etue | Entertainment
We get all sorts of awesome questions in our Out Tech Your Kids Facebook Group. You are a member, right? Recently, a parent asked for foreign language podcast recommendations for kids. So, we dug around and found these 3 great podcasts to help you learn a foreign...
by Kristen Chase | Entertainment
It’s time again for my monthly round-up of podcasts that have made my subscribe list. If you’re looking to add some new podcasts into rotation, I hope you find my podcast reviews helpful. And if you’ve got suggestions for great podcasts I need to...
by Kristen Chase | Entertainment
We are a podcast-loving family, with shows we listen to ourselves (hello, To Live or Die in L.A.), and ones, like The Sporkful and Getting Curious with Jonathan Van Ness (just to name a few) that we enjoy as a family. But on June 4, we’ll be adding another one...
by Kristen Chase | Entertainment
Every month, I’ve been sharing the podcasts I’ve listened to, and this month, well, let’s just say I branched out a bit from the True Crime I’ve been obsessing over lately. And I’m so glad I did. If you’re new to podcasts,...
by Kristen Chase | Entertainment
Last month, I shared 8 podcasts I listened to, some of which I loved and a couple that I sort of hate-listened. Ha. Well, this month I added 5 podcasts to my list, most of which I’ve been really enjoying. If you love podcasts as much as I do, I hope these...
by Kristen Chase | Entertainment
My name is Kristen. And I’m a podcast-a-holic. I am completely obsessed with podcasts now that I have a bit of a commute every morning and afternoon. I love finding new (or usually new-to-me) listens, so I hope my podcast recommendations (other than the obvious...