by Kristen Chase | Tips and Tricks
Like most busy working parents out there, I pretty much unboxed my new iPhone 6S and started using it like I did with my iPhone 5S. In other words, I was texting and calling and really not spending a ton of time getting to know about all the cool new iOS 9 features....
by Liz Gumbinner | Websites We Love
If you write a blog, or are on any kind of social media, there’s probably been a time that you wanted to publish a link to a site you didn’t particularly like–maybe to complain about a negative brand experience, or alert people to a scam. But those...
by Cool Mom Team | Link Roundups
If you’re as obsessed with Pinterest as we are, make sure you’re following us. Then check out our 5 favorite pins from this week. 1. A cool app for iOS and Android that’s a dream for parents like us who take tons of smartphone photos. 2. Speaking of...
by Jeana | Internet Safety
If you have recently upgraded to a new tablet and want to hand off the older model to your lucky kids, there are a couple safety measures we recommend you put into place to make your tablets safe for kids. Even the older models are still valuable (coming from someone...
by Jeana | Internet Safety
What’s the best search engine for kids, in your experience? -via Twitter Keeping kids safe online should be a huge priority for parents. When it comes to kid-safe search, there are actually a lot of good options out there. Since you didn’t specify what age...
by Eva Glettner | Uncategorized
Free clip art is always one of the hardest things to find online–at least if you’re picky about your clip art. But we found a really amazing clip art search engine that you’re going to want to bookmark stat. Check out Hippo Paint and you just may...
by Pilar | Websites We Love
A new travel search engine that checks first to see if that trip could be free? Yes, please. Enter Superfly, a travel search engine that does what we’re entirely too busy to do; namely organizing frequent flier miles and hotel rewards in addition to advising the...
by Stephanie Mayers | Entertainment
With the plethora of app offerings these days, I had all but forgotten the trusty podcast; the non-streaming, no frills audio and video sessions that are there for you whenever the mood strikes; whether in the air, below ground or at your desk.Thankfully Apple...