by Cool Mom Team | Gear + Hardware, Internet Safety, Travel
This is a sponsored message from Relay So many parents want their kids to have the safety and security of a phone, especially over the summer when kids have a little more freedom, and a little more run-around-outside time. And yet, those kids aren’t necessarily...
by Cool Mom Team | Tips and Tricks
Thank you to Verizon Wireless for sponsoring this post. If there’s anything all parents can agree on, it’s that we could use a few more minutes (or hours!) in the day, and we do our best to try to find that extra time where we can. It’s something...
by Cool Mom Team | Gear + Hardware, Internet Safety, Tips and Tricks
We can’t tell you how much debate we’ve seen over the simple question, “when is my kid ready for a smartphone?” It brings out nearly as much stress, passion and well, sanctimony, as questions about breastfeeding or sleep training. Well, after...
by Caroline Siegrist | Tips and Tricks
Next up in our series on how to curb your screen addiction, we’re tackling the issue of notifications. Back when I first got a smartphone, those little red numbers next to my apps filled me with excitement. Someone had messaged me! Or liked my photo! Today, I...
by Cool Mom Team | Holiday Tech Gifts, Kids
If your kids are anything like ours, they’ve got a phone up high on their holiday wish list. And as much as you want Santa to make them squeal, you also know that a smartphone is a huge responsibility that they might not be ready for just yet. That’s why...
by Kristen Chase | Tech Toys
The MAKERphone is about to give an answer to that nagging question parents frequently get, because now when kids ask for a mobile phone, parents can just say: Go make it yourself. Related: A DIY Bluetooth speaker kit for kids that totally rocks This educational DIY...
by Cool Mom Team | Gear + Hardware
This is a sponsored message from Relay So many parents want their kids to have the safety and security of a phone, and yet those kids aren’t necessarily ready for all the responsibility and liability that comes with owning one. It’s a major issue among...
by Kristen Chase | Tips and Tricks
As someone who is pretty constantly tethered to her smartphone, it’s no surprise that I feel as though I’m addicted to it. The challenge for me is that I use my phone for work, but I also enjoy looking at social media (and apps, and…) for pleasure...
by Kristen Chase | Gear + Hardware
A few years ago, we featured the Kickstarter campaign for The Light Phone, a gadget that was designed to help people separate themselves from their smartphones. Well, they’ve recently launched The Light Phone 2 and it’s blowing up Indiegogo. And no...
by Ellyn Exley Dvorkin | Tech Toys
We’re always excited to see what new and exciting goodies Crayola is launching, which is why they’re one of our first stops at Toy Fair every year. And lucky us, we got a sneak peek their brand new and upcoming releases to share with you, lots of which...