by Kristen Chase | Social Media
You might have noticed that some (or many) of your favorite Facebook fan pages have started disappearing–again–from your news feed on Facebook. Thanks to a recent Facebook update that eliminated Facebook Edgerank, entirely changing how Facebook handles...
by Liz Gumbinner | Uncategorized
I haven’t really spent a lot of time on Scribd, the massive online digital documents library featuring all kinds of user-uploaded stuff. Mostly, it’s known as a place to score free ebooks. But recently, I was looking for a set of free printable Halloween...
by Liz Gumbinner | Websites We Love
If you write a blog, or are on any kind of social media, there’s probably been a time that you wanted to publish a link to a site you didn’t particularly like–maybe to complain about a negative brand experience, or alert people to a scam. But those...
by Liz Gumbinner | Websites We Love
If you’ve ever played around at the social media and fashion community Polyvore (or uh, got stuck there until 3AM ahem) you’ll be excited to see that they just launched a dedicated home category, just for decorating and home design inspiration. ...
by Julie | Internet Safety
Just about every day, I have a moment where I’m grateful social media wasn’t around when I was a teen or pre-teen. Don’t get me wrong; technology is a major positive in my life and in my kids’ lives. But it’s also kind of scary to think...
by Liz Gumbinner | Websites We Love
If you’re into social networking–as in, actual networking for work or personal reasons–then you definitely want to know about newsle, a wonderful newsfeed service that is keeping me on top of all the important stuff they’re doing. Subscribe to...
by Liz Gumbinner | Social Media
Ever since Instagram launched video, we’re still seeing some freaking about problems and troubleshooting needs. So we dove in a little ourselves to help you get started, address some of the common issues, and hopefully, get you on your way. -Liz The Basic...
by Liz Gumbinner | Websites We Love
This week, we became tastemakers on an awesome new site called Luvocracy–basically it’s like Pinterest, only you can shop directly through the curated recommendations we make on site and get the guaranteed best price on any item. We even have a category...