CES 2012: 5 tech trends that parents should know about

CES 2012: 5 tech trends that parents should know about

This year at the 2012 Consumer Electronics Show, it was no small task narrowing down more than 20,000 new products to just the stuff I think parents will love. (As in, not a pair of $2000 designer 3-D glasses). Here, five tech trends that I see for 2012 that should be...
NOOK Tablet vs. Kindle Fire – A tablet smackdown

NOOK Tablet vs. Kindle Fire – A tablet smackdown

I’ve been waiting to get my hands on both a NOOK Tablet and Kindle Fire since the news of their release hit the Internet. I’m definitely smitten with my first generation iPad, but the new tablets have been getting a lot of buzz–not just because they...