Even though I’ve become a strictly digital planner kind of person, but I do find myself missing paper planners. Well, Moleskine, who’s my long-time personal favorite source for old-school paper journals, has a brilliant new solution that’s exciting both the geek and luddite in me: their new Moleskine Smart Planner. Write our appointments in the paper planner, and they magically appear on your Google calendar. Whoa.
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Now, you will need their Smart Writing Set, which includes the Pen+, the gadget that makes the magic happen. Then, along with your Google account, you can translate your handwritten plans to digital ones.
The Smart Planner will give you everything you want from your paper calendar, like being able to spread it out in front of you to see a whole month at one time, easily toss it in your handbag or briefcase, and most importantly, the ability to write it out by hand, without any of the old-fashioned restrictions.
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Let’s think about that for a second: how cool is it that I can write “5:00 — Annie’s basketball practice” in my paper journal, and it will appear on my (and my husband’s) Google or iCal calendar? Mind blown.
Of course, like Moleskine’s other smart notebooks, you will also be able digitize any notes or illustrations you write in the Smart Planner, so you don’t have to retype (or scan) them later, or drag your laptop with you to every meeting you to go, from the parent-teacher conference to the board meeting. And since they’re editable once they’re digitized, you can always keep them current across all your devices in your Google drive. Which is, of course, the whole point of taking them digital in the first place.
Find the 12-month Smart Planner at the Moleskine website, or anywhere Moleskine is sold.
Does it only work with the Moleskin Planner, or can you use any calendar/planner?
It works with the Moleskine planner, thanks to special gridlines that the SmartPen picks up as it writes.