by Cool Mom Team | Life and Home
Every mom knows that fear of letting a toddler turn the faucet on and off by herself for the first time. I remember loving my daughter’s independence, but being a wee bit panicked that she’d crank the hot water too high and scald herself. Was it a major...
by Cool Mom Team | Uncategorized
It’s funny, the iPhone case that seemed so perfect this past fall now is feeling a little dark and heavy, what with spring finally here. I think I’m going to be one of those people who changes my smartphone cover with the season, especially now that...
by Cool Mom Team | Fashion + Accessories
I have a thing for geek fashion. Ever since I bought my first Twitter necklace. (It says #fail. Heh.) So while I am not a big fan of actual emoticons, I do sort of love seeing them on these rings. The sterling emoticon ring is so subtle that it might take a moment for...
by Cool Mom Team | Best Apps
These days, I’ve pretty much shelved my cookbooks and rely solely on my iPad to help walk me through my kitchen masterpieces. Or attempts at them, anyway. So when I heard that one of my favorite food writers and New York Times bestselling cookbook author’s...
by Cool Mom Team | Best Apps
Down here in the South where I live, the Kentucky Derby is a pretty big deal, complete with an annual neighborhood party and a very competitive lady’s hat contest. But you don’t need a party invite or even a ticket to Churchill Downs to enjoy all the race...
by Cool Mom Team | Uncategorized
Our closest family is over 2000 miles away. This means other than a few annual visits, our together time is relegated to phone calls and computer conferencing, both of which can be tough with four squirmy kids under six like I have. But recently, Cisco offered to...
by Cool Mom Team | Uncategorized
Oh Appy Day! gives you the scoop on the coolest apps from some of the coolest people anywhere. This week, Jessica Seinfeld shares her fave. One of my kids is in a deep obsession with space right now. I didn’t have all the answers, so I found the NASA app, which...
by Cool Mom Team | Tips and Tricks
When it comes to Mother’s Day gifts, I’d love an iPad 2 just as much as a beautiful mom necklace. Okay, maybe even more. But it can be a little tricky pulling off a gadget as a gift. So here are 3 tips to ensure that your techy gift gets as many...
by Cool Mom Team | Best Apps
It is a crazy, crazy world, when you can essentially wave your phone at another phone and poof, a payment has been made. And you know? That’s PayPal Mobile in a nutshell. Let’s just say if you’ve got an iPhone, Android or Blackberry, there’s...