by Cool Mom Team | Life and Home
So I know I can’t be the only one who’s sent a snarky email or left a cheeky Facebook comment and ended it with a smiley emoticon. I guess it’s sort of like starting a sentence with “no offense but… only nicer, right? Related: The new...
by Cool Mom Team | Best Apps, Educational Apps
No techie parent needs convincing that the right app can do a lot more than keep your kid entertained while you wait in a long check out line or try to finish your food at a restaurant. The best ones actually teach your kids. Splish Splash Inn, from Shortstack, is one...
by Cool Mom Team | Fashion + Accessories
Hey Apple Store, I’ve got a bone to pick with you. I was browsing through your laptop cases at your 14th Street store and let’s just say I, and the two other women staring blankly at the unimpressive display, left empty-handed. If you wouldn’t mind...
by Cool Mom Team | Tech Toys
No matter how many gadgets with keyboards are available, we kind of hope that actual writing never goes away. Kids still take notes at school and parents write notes at home or work. However if you don’t transcribe your notes to a computer, or organize them all...
by Cool Mom Team | Best Apps
Previously posted on Cool Mom Picks Ever been the person in charge of a group gift, and discovered that special circle of purgatory that involves trying to contact large numbers of people and keep track of who’s done what and who still needs to contribute? Yeah....
by Cool Mom Team | Best Apps, Educational Apps
Previously posted on Cool Mom Picks So it’s become pretty clear that iPhone apps can be God’s technological gift to parents wanting to avoid toddler meltdowns in restaurants and pediatrician offices. Some of my favorite apps for the younger set come...
by Cool Mom Team | Babies
When I found out Bugaboo had come out with a smartphone holder, my first thought was to roll my eyes. What, we can’t stand the idea of being out of reach of our precious phones for the time it takes to fish it out of our jacket pockets in the park? But...
by Cool Mom Team | Best Apps
I’m far from a photography expert, and admittedly, the only camera I use anymore is my iPhone. While every now and then I get a great picture with it, I often feel bad that the only pictures of my kids are taken with the sub-par quality of a camera phone. That...
by Cool Mom Team | Fashion + Accessories
Previously posted at Cool Mom Picks I shrieked with joy when friend of Cool Mom Picks and kids band The Jimmies lead singer Ashley Albert turned us onto her new collaborative project with Phoebe Jonas, Survival of the Hippest. And by hippest we mean techiest,...