by Cool Mom Team | Gear + Hardware, Holiday Tech Gifts
We are so happy to present our 2015 holiday tech gift guide, where we get to share with you the coolest, most fun, most gifty of the giftiest tech gifts for everyone you love on your list, starting with some of our favorites: The coolest tech gifts for travelers....
by Cool Mom Team | Tech Toys
We’re seeing drones at the top of a lot of tween and teen holiday wish lists this year. And really, we’re not surprised. It’s pretty amazing what you can do with these super cool gadgets. Let’s just say these are not the remote control planes...
by Cool Mom Team | Gear + Hardware, Internet Safety, Tips and Tricks
One of the most frequent questions we’re asked at Cool Mom Tech is at what age we think kids are ready to get their first cell phones. And, well, the short answer is… it depends. Unfortunately, it’s not an easy fill in a number here answer. Because...
by Cool Mom Team | Games + Gaming
This is a sponsored message from VTech Today’s preschoolers are a far more digitally connected and savvy group than we ever were, and now a new system from VTech is channeling that screen time interest and transforming it into an opportunity for learning....
by Cool Mom Team | Best Apps
This is a sponsored message from Hobnob With the holidays right around the corner, the free Hobnob app for iOS makes sending invites to your holiday events, and sharing the photos afterwards even easier. Plus, you could win a $200 Target gift card just for...
by Cool Mom Team | Entertainment
Even though our kids will be getting lots of STEM in school these days (at least, we hope so), we love the idea of encouraging their love of learning about science, math, and related subjects outside the classroom too. YouTube can actually be a fantastic resource for...
by Cool Mom Team | Tips and Tricks
There’s that wonderful moment when you first open up the box of your newest gadget and just smile at it. Some folks even give the new, shiny, and often pricy tech toy its own special name. At no point during this grand unboxing do you envision the gadget in...
by Cool Mom Team | Best Apps, Educational Apps
Since so many of you write us asking for the best Android apps for kids, we are so honored that Google Play reached out too, asking us to be this month’s expert kids’ app curator in their family category! We get to join the likes of trusted...
by Cool Mom Team | Uncategorized
This is a sponsored message from Amazon In honor of Amazon’s 20th birthday, they’re celebrating with Prime Day on July 15, during which Amazon Prime members can score even more deals than on Black Friday. And with their #PrimeLiving Photo Contest, you...