by Cool Mom Team | Tips and Tricks
With Instagram finally available to Android users and now getting snatched up for 1 billion dollars by Facebook (whoa!), it seems like soon everyone will be on our beloved photo sharing app–aw Instagram, we can say we knew you when. So I’ve rounded up five...
by Jeana | Tips and Tricks
You’ve probably been hearing a lot about Google Play lately, especially if you’re an Android user. What exactly is it? Well, in a nutshell, Google Play is the company’s attempt at re-branding the formerly-named Android Marketplace–going...
by Cool Mom Team | Tips and Tricks
For so many working parents in this world of technology, the office isn’t just in your house or a building. It’s wherever you happen to have a cell connection–the subway, your kid’s lacrosse game, the coffee shop, movie theater. (But just...
by Cool Mom Team | Tips and Tricks
No matter how much I try to follow the “clean hands = clean gadgets” rule, I’m also dealing with four kids who seem to get their smudgy hands on them any chance the get. Now’s the perfect time to get in the habit of cleaning your gadgets, from...
by Cool Mom Team | Tips and Tricks
If there’s anything that drives me crazy, it’s an overflowing, disorganized email inbox. I get upwards of 200 emails a day (and that’s just the pitches!), but I do a pretty decent job of keeping everything in order, thanks in part to some of the...
by Molly | Tips and Tricks
It doesn’t even phase my kids anymore that my camera is always in front of my face like an extra appendage growing out from my nose. And while I give them the occasional photographic direction, “Can you please zip up your zipper before I take some more...
by Cool Mom Team | Tips and Tricks
We are so excited that Cool Mom Tech is partnering with Motorola this month, makers of the new Motorola Elite Sliver Bluetooth Headset, to provide tips to help make the lives easier for all you busy working parents.Now that we’ve tackled home office...
by Cool Mom Team | Tips and Tricks
We are so excited that Cool Mom Tech is partnering with Motorola this month to bring you this series that provides tips to help make the lives easier of busy working parents.One of the things we really like about Motorola as a company is how much they genuinely care...
by Cool Mom Team | Tips and Tricks
With iPhones, iPads, e-readers and video games coming out of our ears, my house is being overrun by cords. Aside from labeling them with a Sharpie (Tip: silver works great on black cords), I’ve decided that since I’m cleaning and organizing every other...
by Cool Mom Team | Tips and Tricks
Welcome to Cool Mom Tech! If you caught our Editor-in-Chief Liz on The Today Show this morning talking about six apps and websites that will make your life easier, we’ve rounded them up here for you. This virtual corkboard allows you to pin...
by Molly | Tips and Tricks
I love digital photography for the ability to take 500 pictures of my daughter eating her first birthday cupcake, knowing that the perfect shot will be in there somewhere. But this also means my computer gets bogged down with tons of photo files, often with no label,...
by Cool Mom Team | Tips and Tricks
Before the holidays, we tackled questions about when kids are ready for e-readers and tablets, as well as handheld gaming devices. But one of the most frequent topics we’re asked about is just when kids should get their own cell phone. Of course, with any...