by Jeana | Tips and Tricks
If you’ve been sending letters to Santa on behalf of the kids, been collecting hints from family members or have been thinking about your own Christmas wish list yourself, I’m willing to bet that a tablet is on one, if not all, of the lists you’ve...
by Cool Mom Team | Tips and Tricks
We’re thrilled to be working with our newest sponsor, Plantronics, whose highly rated Bluetooth Headset, the Voyager Legend, helps conversations come together. Plus we get to give one away! With the holiday season officially here, we all feel so lucky to be...
by Cool Mom Team | Tips and Tricks
It took me a while, but I finally learned the number one rule of online shopping: never hit “buy” without first searching for a discount code. There are a lot of great coupon sites online, but now there’s a simple add-on for Chrome [updated: and now...
by Jeana | Tips and Tricks
Coming off the heels of last week’s disappointing Instagram’s break-up with Twitter, good news comes to those of us who take and tweet photos because photo filters have come to Twitter. Hooray! Twitter has made this available as an update to Twitter for...
by Cool Mom Team | Tips and Tricks
This morning the announcement by Instagram was made that when you share your Instagram photos via Twitter, they will no longer be properly displayed. Gah. For people like me, who love sharing my Instagram photos on Twitter–and seeing those shared with me–I...
by Cool Mom Team | Tips and Tricks
Yesterday, pretty much everywhere I went, I overheard people discussing the new iTunes 11 upgrade that had just launched–on the subway, in a movie theater, on line for lunch at the deli. And I must say, the reports are very mixed.Now that the new iTunes 11 is...
by Jeana | Tips and Tricks
Yes, it’s that time to start thinking about ways to organize your gift lists. The holidays will be here before we know it. Luckily, these days. there are really a lot of tech resources out there for managing the holiday shopping process, both to keep track of...
by Cool Mom Team | Tips and Tricks
Obsessed with Pinterest as we are? Follow us, then take a peek at the five coolest Pinterest pins from this week that you won’t want to miss.1. A must-have safety resource for any parent with kids on Facebook. 2. Smart tips on how to organize your online...
by Cool Mom Team | Tips and Tricks
With Hurricane Sandy, aka Frankenstorm, about to make landfall on the east coast, many of us are stocking up on bottled water and charging our gadgets. If you’re not in the evacuation zone but are still battening down your hatches, here are some of the best...
by Cool Mom Team | Gear + Hardware, Tips and Tricks
Obsessed with Pinterest like us? Follow us, then check out our favorite pins from this week. 1. It’s pretty amazing what you can do with speakers these days. 2. 10 quick tips that will have you taking better photos of your kids in a flash. Heh....
by Cool Mom Team | Tips and Tricks
I’ve loved my iPhone 4 ever since I got it, but I admit that I’ve been anxiously awaiting to upgrade to iPhone 5 considering I held off on upgrading to an iPhone 4S. So when my pretty, new iPhone 5 arrived last week, I couldn’t wait to try it out,...
by Cool Mom Team | Tips and Tricks
After we posted instructions on how to get your personal information off Spokeo, we received numerous comments and emails from our readers with concern about having to share your email address in order to remove yourself. While we understand that sharing more personal...