by Nicole Blades | Best Apps, Tech Toys
So rad. Honestly, those were the first words that popped out of my mouth when I saw this crazy-cool new drawing experience called Masterpiece. It is the latest offering from Osmo, the groundbreaking, iPad-powered gaming device built by two young dads out of Stanford...
by Jeana | Websites We Love
3D printing hasn’t exactly taken off yet, but based on glimpses we’ve seen — like food, makeup, and super cool small stuff — we’d love to see it start to play a larger role in our lives. And with an incredible new site called the Kids...
by Christina Refford | Best Apps
About halfway through our summer, my bag of tricks is getting dangerously empty when it comes to creating fun, new things to do with the kids. But one of our favorite arts-and-craft companies, Kiwi Crate, has developed Kiwi Corner, a well-organized app for iOS and...
by Jeana | Websites We Love
I love when my kids come home from school and excitedly tell me about something fun they did that doesn’t include snack, lunch or recess. I love even more when it’s a mix of something educational and entertaining that we can all partake in together. The...
by Kristin | Best Apps, Educational Apps
The new The MoMA Art Lab app is for every parent who knows that kids are the original modern artists. Think about it: a child’s artistic interpretation of the world is not always realistic or literal, they love to use non-traditional materials (macaroni,...
by Julie | Best Apps, Educational Apps
Pretty much every time we find an awesome new pick for toddlers, I sigh about how much I wish I’d had something similar when my own kids were toddlers. I’m especially impressed by the way tech has been integrated into learning and development, even for...
by Pilar | Games + Gaming
My second grader is crazy into made up games he creates and customizes himself. Everything from blueprints for Star Warsian buildings to trains crafted from Toca Builders blocks are on his roster of perpetual projects, and creating his own video game is definitely at...
by Liz Gumbinner | Best Apps
I’m all for kids getting to use my iPad to color and create. But I love getting them offline to do the same with old-fashion crayons and markers too. (Remember those?) Here’s an app company that’s doing both. The Silly Aliens Supercrayon...