by Delilah S. Dawson | Tech Toys
Whether it’s the mean kid on the school bus who’s constantly trying to snag your kid’s cookies (I’m watching you, Logan!) or the office lunch thief who’s never been caught, the average lunch box isn’t up to the job of keeping out...
by Cool Mom Team | Uncategorized
This is a sponsored message from HP Even though so many of us try to go paperless when we can these days, with online party invitations, printables, mobile boarding passes, and homework, we still requires paper. Lots of paper. And that means lots of ink too. Which...
by Kate Etue | Websites We Love
More and more classrooms are going digital with volunteer signups these days, which means room parents get to avoid the hassle of collecting rounds of paperwork from all the students in their class. Not to mention the environmental impact of saving all that paper....
by Jeana | Gear + Hardware
We need to purchase a computer for our two older children to use for homework. They frequently have assignments that involve the use of Google Docs, as well as PowerPoint and Excel. I’m a Mac user, but we’re thinking we’ll go with a PC for them (due to cost). Can you...
by Christina Refford | Kids
‘Tis that time of year again, when kids everywhere hop on the big yellow bus that whisks them away for a day of learning, friendship, and sometimes questionable lunches. And I can’t see that familiar vehicle drive down my street without immediately...
by Jeana | Random Coolness
Junior high was the only time I used my school-appointed locker and half the time I could never even remember my padlock combination to get to my Trapper Keeper and magnetic mirror. Oh right, and my textbooks. If I only I had a digital padlock like the Master...
by Jeana | Back to School Tech
Whether your kids are figuring out how to sound out words for the first time, or you have older grade-schoolers who just might choose an educational app over a game from time to time if it’s fun enough, educational apps can certainly be a big help in getting...
by Nicole Blades | Back to School Tech
There’s excitement and anxiousness in the air at back to school time, but for many parents, this time of year can also bring about a little dread. As in: Ugh. Here comes the deluge of To-Do lists and classroom paperwork and lunch-packing and scheduling and on...
by Nicole Blades | Back to School Tech
We’re so happy to kick off our 2014 back to school tech guide with one of our favorite, and most requested categories: The best educational apps for preschoolers. Now just because your little one isn’t in official Big Kid school yet doesn’t mean they...