by Christina Refford | Best Apps, Educational Apps
What kid hasn’t dreamed of rocketing off into outer space to see what is out there? The problem is, that cardboard box in the living room isn’t going anywhere so fast. Junior Astronaut – Breaking through the space barrier is a standout educational...
by Stephanie Mayers | Best Apps, Educational Apps
Finding nifty little apps of merit for the kids can be a chore all on its own. Every so often though we come across sweet and simple apps that not only entertain them but that also impress us. Color Genius for iOS does just that. It’s really the simple...
by Christina Refford | Best Apps, Educational Apps
I had moved three times by the time I was eight, so I totally understand how it feels to be a strange kid in a strange land, a topic that is explored in a lovely new app for both iOS and Android users. Even kids like my own who have never had to be “the new...
by Shari | Best Apps, Educational Apps
If you’ve got an alphabet-hungry kid and are craving some awesome ABC apps for your iPad, I understand completely. When my son little, he was so obsessed with the alphabet that he saw letters in everything: a scotch tape dispenser was a G, a pancake needed to...
by Shari | Best Apps, Educational Apps
I review a lot of apps for kids and thus, am inundated with spinning, whirling, jumping, and shrieking characters/animals/aliens on my iPad. But once in a while, an app comes along that makes me breathe a sigh of “well, finally.” Such is the case with a...
by Delilah S. Dawson | Best Apps, Educational Apps
Don’t pet the strange dog. Don’t poke the sleeping cat. Don’t touch the dead bug behind the grocery store toilet. I can’t imagine how frustrating it is to be a child and have your exploration curtailed due to pesky things like hygiene and...
by Stephanie Mayers | Best Apps, Educational Apps
It is a known fact that getting kids started early in foreign language study enhances their chances of having success in mastering a second, or even third or fourth language. Having struggled in my own youth with this subject, I have been thrilled to discover the...
by Liz Gumbinner | Best Apps, Educational Apps
I get excited watching my kids begin to understand the basics of music composition and creation — which doesn’t mean karaoke to Call Me Maybe in our living room. Okay, it does, but I don’t want it to stop there either. If you’ve got a kid with...
by Christina Refford | Best Apps, Educational Apps
If you’re looking for a way to get the kids up close and personal with the presidents this Presidents’ Day, check out a new app that will have them learning while they play. In fact, in just a short time, they’ll probably be teaching you a thing or...