by Kate Etue | Life and Home
Preventing mosquitoes is one of my big concerns, especially this summer. Not only are they annoying and itchy, they carry some serious diseases that I don’t want anywhere near my family. But I don’t like the idea of spraying chemicals in my yard either....
by Meredith Gordon | Tips and Tricks
I hate to admit it, but I used to be that parent. You know the one who proclaimed her kids would never watch TV or play on a computer, and instead spend endless hours playing outside in any weather. (Torrential rainstorm? Builds character!) Well as you can imagine,...
by Kate Etue | Uncategorized
We are seeing more and more DIY home security options and video monitoring systems enter the market each year, which is great news for families. While of course the video and photo capture on these devices are a huge help to police if you do actually have a break-in,...
by Kristen Chase | Tips and Tricks
A couple of weeks ago, our friend Heather from the Rookie Moms discovered that her babysitter had been taking photos of her kids on SnapChat and she asked her Facebook friends what they would do about this. Now before you freak about sexting, SnapChat has pretty much...
by Cool Mom Team | Best Apps
This is a sponsored message on behalf of Curbi. Whether your family added some new devices to the mix this holiday season or you’ve been pretty gadget-reliant in your home for a while, you’ll want to check out the free trial of Curbi, which can help you...
by Cool Mom Team | Editors' Picks of the Year, Gear + Hardware
We’re always excited to try out all the new gadgets each year and wow, what a long way we’ve come since Cool Mom Tech launched five years ago. Technology like pressure touch screens, the overwhelming adoption of streaming music and media, the desire for...
by Cool Mom Team | Editors' Picks of the Year
Over the course of the year on Cool Mom Tech, we’ve put together so many helpful tech tips and tricks, many of which are answers to reader questions we get via email, over Twitter, on Facebook, and heck, even from our friends and family in person! So we’ve...
by Kate Etue | Uncategorized
As our houses are filling up with gifts for the holidays, it’s a good time to think about home security to keep our homes safe from burglaries and just provide some extra peace of mind. Because waking up Christmas morning to no presents under the tree would be...
by Jeana | Internet Safety
A lot of our readers have been asking us about Circle with Disney, a new device on that market designed to connect to your WiFi specifically to help parents monitor their kids’ internet usage and manage screen time. We were really curious about how it works and...
by Liz Gumbinner | Internet Safety, Tips and Tricks
It seems the whole National Do Not Call Registry isn’t always effective. Legit marketers have a lot of loopholes; charities, pollsters, political fundraisers and others are exempt; and then there are those shady marketers who simply don’t care. I know,...