by Kristen Chase | Gear + Hardware
When I read “Designed and made by perfectionists” at FeelFeltLt, I knew I had landed at the right Etsy shop. And when I perused through their selection of wool gadget covers, I knew they weren’t just tooting their own horn. Each gorgeous cover...
by Delilah S. Dawson | Uncategorized
Don’t worry about your e-reader, smartphone, or tablet: The narwhal will keep it safe. Or Harry Potter, Doctor Who, or a very fuzzy but territorial shark. The gadget cozies from Life Geekery on Etsy are made by a husband and wife team in Hawaii to further the...
by Liz Gumbinner | Photography
Need a quick and easy way to inform everyone in your life that they may end up broadcast to your social media networks via your Instagram account? Look no further than this adorable phone case. Entirely handmade and handstitched out of felt with a button for a...
by Liz Gumbinner | Uncategorized
Last year we discovered the fabulous handmade iPad and laptop sleeves from Mujjo, a neat little Dutch company, and I have to say, I’ve had them on the brain every since. Something about the combo of natural wool felt and leather is just so visually rich. So...
by Cool Mom Team | Uncategorized
If your kid, like so many this year, was lucky enough to score an iPad Mini over the holidays, we’ve got the very case to protect it. That is, if it doesn’t get you first. This felt Zombie iPad mini case from Etsy’s Hooby Groovy, who also makes this...
by Cool Mom Team | Uncategorized
Between my penchant for dropping things and four kids at my heels, there’s no way I’d walk around without a case protecting my iPhone 5. But the back is just so pretty it sort of pains me not to be able to show it off. So I looked for a few different...
by Delilah S. Dawson | Uncategorized
While we love the OtterBox, maybe it needs a new name. I mean, can you really trust an adorable aquatic mammal to keep your special phone safe? I think what you really need is a ninja. The Angry Ninja iPhone 5 Case from HoobyGroovy on Etsy is an adorably intimidating...
by Cool Mom Team | Uncategorized
Since the second I brought my MacBook Air home, my husband has had one steely eye set on it. Probably two. So I am seriously considering make myself wife of the year, and getting him one of his own for Father’s Day. But if I do, I’ll be sure to present it...
by Cool Mom Team | Uncategorized
With the fab point and shoot camera and awesome SLR accessories we’ve been featuring, I admit that I was having a bit of cool camera envy since I snap all my pictures with my iPhone 4. But given the quantity and quality of the photos I’m able to take with...