by Christina Refford | Best Apps
If you’ve ever laughed at JibJab’s hilarious ecards, like this one of the CMP staff at Halloween, you know how funny it is to see your own visage shimmying while dressed like Dracula, or busting a Mummy move. And now that they’ve entered the world of...
by Christina Refford | Best Apps
Though I was raised on the original Brothers Grimm stories, which are pretty dark, I was always a little more scared of the story of Jack and the Beanstalk. The whole I smell the blood of an Englishman boomed by a big hairy giant? Yeesh. But now we’re having so...
by Christina Refford | Best Apps
I get excited about great apps for my kids — and ticked off by the ones that stink — but I don’t usually think too much about the apps’ developers. However, as my kids have started to amass an arsenal of apps on my iPad, I keep running into...
by Christina Refford | Best Apps
I’ve long been a fan of David A. Carter’s pop-up books like One Red Dot, ever since my sister, an ardent pop-up lover, introduced me to them years ago. So when I heard that he had helped develop a new app for the iPad, I could only hope it’d be more...
by Cool Mom Team | Best Apps
One of my kids’ favorite things to do with the iPad is draw. Actually, one of their favorite things to do anywhere is draw. So I am always looking for fun coloring apps that can keep the artistry flowing, and that I find easier to justify than video games. And...
by Christina Refford | Best Apps
When my kids were little, I couldn’t wait to take them to see the fireworks on the Fourth of July. Unfortunately, they didn’t want to stay up that late, hated the booms and generally made it hard to relax and say my required “oooos” and...
by Christina Refford | Best Apps
As soon as I could turn my back on my kids with the safety scissors, I knew it was only a matter of time before they decided to give themselves (or each other) a trim. A far better way to scratch their itch to play hairdresser, comes in a handy go-anywhere app where...
by Cool Mom Team | Best Apps
As much as my little ones love to play with my iPhone, my nearly 7 year-old daughter enjoys her fair share of play time, usually with games that I’ve downloaded for myself. (Who can resist Angry Birds and Tiny Wings?) So this past week I went on a search for fun...
by Cool Mom Team | Best Apps
Yes, I may be the last person in America to discover the awesomeness that is Tiny Wings, now an essential part of my morning commute. The game is every bit as addictive as Angry Birds, only with less anger and more flying. Can tens of thousands of five-star ratings at...