by Eva Glettner | Best Apps, Educational Apps
A lot of readers ask us about great math apps for kids. (Cut The Rope only counts sort of) I’ve found a great one that’s equal parts science lesson and math course with a sprinkling of cool graphics thrown in for good measure. My kids are digging this...
by Eva Glettner | Best Apps, Educational Apps
If you’re like me, if you’re plunking down cash for an app, you really want it to be worth it. So an app with four games in one has my name all over it. And when all four games are educational for the kids, my heart swoons. Smash Party is just...
by Christina Refford | Entertainment, Kids
In my neck of the woods, all eyes are on the trees to see when the colors of fall start putting on their gorgeous show. Add that to two kids who are itching to learn Spanish this year, and I’m so pleased to have found a great song to get some of the most common...
by Eva Glettner | Websites We Love
I know it’s important to introduce science to your children in a really fun and hands-on way. (Let’s call it a parent’s antidote to the rote equation memorization called for by current state testing.) If you set the groundwork that science is fun and...
by Pilar | Best Apps, Educational Apps
Back in the day, kids used to keep themselves busy with old-fashioned things like wooden abacuses, blocks and felt boards. Now, they basically own our tablets (you know it’s true), and can do everything from smash pigs to trace the entire alphabet with just a...
by Cool Mom Team | Best Apps, Educational Apps
With our long drives to and from school every morning, I’ve been meaning to grab some audiobooks for us to enjoy. Well lucky for me, just yesterday I scored over 20 popular classics as e-books and audio books on both my Kindle and my iPhone for free. Free! And...
by Christina Refford | Best Apps, Educational Apps
Listening to compelling audio books has been my #1 way to prevent backseat squabbles between the kids as we do everything from a six-hour drive to Maine, to a 15-minute jaunt to gymnastics practice. And one of the best ways to get our hands on a seemingly limitless...
by Christina Refford | Best Apps, Educational Apps
My kids have used their fingers and toes to help them understand numbers and counting from the days of 10 Little Monkeys Jumping on a Bed through basic addition. And now there is a new app that uses technology to help reinforce these concepts with your iPad though,...
by Stephanie Mayers | Best Apps, Educational Apps
My subpar geography skills are one of my husband’s favorite things to tease me about. Could I fill in that blank map of the 50 states we had to do in 6th grade? Note to self: 2013 resolution! But I still find our planet completely fascinating and get caught up...
by Jeana | Best Apps, Educational Apps
When we go on long car rides, I like to pack a bag of activities of things that keep the kids occupied for as long as possible before they resort to the eventual “are we therrrrrre yet?” One of the things I always throw in is our set of Brain Quest...