Best clip-on lamp for reading? Reader Q+A

Best clip-on lamp for reading? Reader Q+A

I just got a bunk bed for my kids and was trying to figure out a good clip-on reading light that could just clip onto the sides of the bed. Have you come across anything like that? Thanks! -Maryann Funny enough Maryann, I could have written this question myself about...
Piquing Our Geek: Belkin WeMo

Piquing Our Geek: Belkin WeMo

Given the amazing power of technology, it was only a matter of time before we’d be able to control our lights, our thermostat, even our garage door from smart gadgets. Well, thanks to Belkin, that time is right now. Or, very very soon. Their WeMo Home Automation...
Kung-fu UV Panda

Kung-fu UV Panda

We love cute. We love smart. And we hate hate hate yucky bacteria, especially the kind that winds up on kids’ toothbrushes and in their mouths.And that’s why we adore this panda, the cutest, newest release from the line of Zapi toothbrush sanitizers When...
New Year, clean gadgets

New Year, clean gadgets

The New Year gives us all the opportunity to start fresh with a clean slate, and to that end, a clean screen. After hearing some horrible statistic about our cell phones having more bacteria than a handle on a public toilet (ew!), I realized that anytime is a good...
Piquing our Geek: The Tempdot Faucet

Piquing our Geek: The Tempdot Faucet

Every mom knows that fear of letting a toddler turn the faucet on and off by herself for the first time. I remember loving my daughter’s independence, but being a wee bit panicked that she’d crank the hot water too high and scald herself. Was it a major...