by Christina Refford | Best Apps, Fitness + Health, Games + Gaming
Before the holidays kick into full gear, I recommend you download one super-fun, get-off-the-couch app that also happens to be 100% free: Active Arcade. It’s entirely designed to get you moving (and maybe burning off all that pie eating) while enjoying yourself...
by Liz Gumbinner | Holiday Picks, Tips and Tricks
For over a decade now (whoa) we’ve been sharing the best Black Friday tips to help you find the best deals with the least hassle. Now that Black Friday has turned into “Black Friday through Cyber Monday,” which turned into an entire month of Black...
by Caroline Siegrist | Best Apps
I’m grateful for this list of the best apps for road trips with kids, because it turns out, I’m not allowed to put my kids in a hilarious sidecar by themselves during long drives. So I’ve been prepping my phone and the kids’ iPad for the long...
by Caroline Siegrist | Holiday Picks, Best Apps
This holiday season, I’ve been researching apps for holiday planning as one of many ways to make big holiday meals easier. Whether you enjoyed last year’s COVID-mandated reprieve from big get-togethers, or you’re just raring to baste another...
by Liz Gumbinner | Tips and Tricks
I know I’m not the only one who wants to get rid of the unread email count badge on my phone that taunts me loudly in BRIGHT. RED. NUMBERS. Every so often, a friend on social media gleefully (like a Mr. Burns kind of gleeful if you ask me) will prompt friends...
by Kate Etue | Best Apps, Back to School Tech, Life and Home
I’m always on a quest for the best digital planner for the school year, because I have developed a very bad habit: Every year I get tempted by the beautiful, fun, old-fashioned paper planners I discover on Etsy or in our local stationery stores. They’re...
by Caroline Siegrist | Tips and Tricks, Best Apps
Lately I’ve heard some mixed opinions about the Focus feature on the latest iOS 15. If you haven’t updated your iPhone yet, Focus mode is similar to the Sleep mode introduced with iOS 14 with even more detail and more ways to customize your notifications...
by Liz Gumbinner | Best Apps
It’s been a while since we shared our favorite apps to help you get better sleep. So long, that our last post about favorite sleep apps seems to include apps all recently acquired by mattress companies. Hm. I did recently write about my favorite iOS tip for...
by Christina Refford | Back to School Tech, Best Apps, Educational Apps
As a former homeschooling parent, I am a huge fan of math apps for middle school — and for tweens and teens whatever their grade level. I used to say that I was okay teaching math until around 3rd or 4th grade, and then I needed some help explaining certain...