by Liz Gumbinner | Uncategorized
If you’re looking for a sweet Father’s Day gift (you are starting to look, right?) for a cool, stylish, gadget-loving dad I think I’ve found just the thing. Now on sale for a sweet 40% off at Nordstrom, the Burberry iPad Mini case jumped off the web...
by Liz Gumbinner | Uncategorized
With summer unofficially here (and can I get a big amen to that?) it’s the time a fashion-conscious techie’s mind turns toward other pursuits. No, not getting off the iPad; I mean finding a more summery case for toting that bad boy around. If you’re...
by Liz Gumbinner | Uncategorized
Not every guy wants a slick, board room-ready, fancy European looking iPad case. I know quite a few who would appreciate something a little more rugged. More defiant. More ironically low-tech. For him, consider the Upcycled Mail Sack iPad Case for Father’s Day....
by Kristen Chase | Link Roundups
Obsessed with Pinterest as we are? Follow us! Then check out these 5 awesome tech pins, plus all our daily picks from our own site and around the web. 1. Isn’t this IT Crowd shirt the best ever? 2. These Minecraft creations are pretty amazing. Our kids...
by Delilah S. Dawson | Gear + Hardware
Riddle me this, Miss Drew: what looks like a book and feels like a book but is actually thousands of books? Oh… you already solved it by reading the title. Well, you’ll never guess how pretty this handmade e-Reader cover is on the inside. I love real...
by Liz Gumbinner | Fashion + Accessories, Gear + Hardware
In honor of St Patrick’s Day, we’ve rounded up some very cool tech accessories in very cool shades of green. In fact, they’ll look chic long after the green beer specials in your local tavern are mercifully gone. We recently featured the hot...
by Liz Gumbinner | Uncategorized
So I’m aware there are actually splurgier tech accessories than this stunning Christian Louboutin iPad case but uh, did I mention it’s stunning? And splurgy? And also stunning? Not that I expect to own this at any point my lifetime, so I am imagining...
by Delilah S. Dawson | Uncategorized
You know what I love? When the company that made my very favorite gadget case whips up a special, vintage-inspired, bright red iPad case just for Valentine’s Day. (Also known as Honey, You Shouldn’t Have, But I’m Glad You Did Day.) I’m digging...