Smoothies, Martha Stewart style

Smoothies, Martha Stewart style

This holiday season, my family enjoyed the spoils from my experimentation with the very cool Martha Stewart Makes Cookies iPad app, so you can imagine how excited they were when I decided to give her new smoothies app a try, just in time for fresh fruit season. Not...
Let Roger Ebert pick your date night movie

Let Roger Ebert pick your date night movie

Every month, my husband and I comb through Netflix and try to figure out what to put in our queue. We generally give up and just end up putting in something for the kids. But since finding this new app, I’ve already got a slew of awesome picks, all recommended...
Peel personalizes your TV watching experience

Peel personalizes your TV watching experience

When I was younger, I was only allowed to watch TV on the weekends. I remember scouring the TV Guide that came with the Sunday paper and figuring out which shows I’d watch that week. Boy, have times changed. Peel is a free iOS app that is a virtual TV guide on...
Meet my new office assistant,

Meet my new office assistant,

I never actually realized how much I relied on my print-scan- fax trifecta of printer features until the thing bit the dust a few months ago. Since then, I’ve been begging neighbors to scan docs for me, and hitting the local office stores to fax. Hello, pricey....
Put yourself on exhibit with The Museum of Me

Put yourself on exhibit with The Museum of Me

If you’re especially proud of all the hard work and time you’ve put into Facebook–writing funny comments on people’s walls, creating clever status updates and choosing only the cutest photos of your kids for your photo albums–you’ll...
Dads Dig This: MyPlate calorie tracker

Dads Dig This: MyPlate calorie tracker

Welcome Dads Dig This guest blogger Jim Higley, Chicago Tribune columnist, cancer survivor, and single dad to three kids. His book Bobblehead Dad comes out on June 1. I’m a big fan of LIVESTRONG not just because I’m a cancer survivor, but because I’m...
Orb music player is music to your ears

Orb music player is music to your ears

Over the years, I’ve spent a lot of time and money adding music to my digital collection, and making playlists for every event imaginable.  With warmer weather just around the corner, I’d like to think that my “BBQ Music,” “Summer...
How to Cook Everything, right from your iPad

How to Cook Everything, right from your iPad

These days, I’ve pretty much shelved my cookbooks and rely solely on my iPad to help walk me through my kitchen masterpieces. Or attempts at them, anyway. So when I heard that one of my favorite food writers and New York Times bestselling cookbook author’s...