by Julie | Websites We Love
I was once a struggling engineering student, so I have a special appreciation for the courage and creativity of kids who really want to know how stuff works and aren’t afraid to jump in and figure it out. Now that one of my own kids is convinced she wants to be...
by Christina Refford | Games + Gaming
Not even the biggest die-hard Minecraft fans can live on screen time alone, so when it’s time for them to step away from their favorite game, you could try some of our screen-free Minecraft games, or offer up one of the cool little Minecraft Handbooks by...
by Liz Gumbinner | Games + Gaming
My kids are way deep into a Minecraft obsession. They ask for Minecraft playdates, they’ve built full-size characters out of cardboard boxes, and my 9-year-old daughter talks about marrying the Enderman. She calls him Endy. They’re close like that. The...
by Kristen Chase | Entertainment, Gear + Hardware
Considering how popular streaming devices are these days with Apple TV, Chromecast, and the Roku, it came as no surprise when we heard Amazon would be launching their own streaming service, which they finally did today with Amazon Fire TV. If you’re wondering...
by Kristen Chase | Link Roundups
Obsessed with Pinterest as we are? Follow us! Then check out these 5 awesome tech pins, plus all our daily picks from our own site and around the web. 1. Isn’t this IT Crowd shirt the best ever? 2. These Minecraft creations are pretty amazing. Our kids...
by Christina Refford | DIY, Games + Gaming
My kids will no longer settle for any old box of Valentine’s cards, especially now that they know how easy it is to dig up some cool printable Minecraft Valentine cards to hand out in class. Even for those of us who aren’t sure if the Sheep are good or why...
by Delilah S. Dawson | Fashion + Accessories
We love the way that Minecraft challenges our kids without imposing limits on their creativity, and we especially love to see our daughters building (non-princess) castles in the sky, engaging their creativity, and getting some unexpected education subtly slipped in...
by Kristen Chase | Games + Gaming
I’m not sure about you, but in my house, Minecraft is pretty much all my kids talk about. They play it on the PC, on the iPad, and yes, even in real life. Hold the real pick axe. If your kids already have tons of Minecraft toys like mine, I’ve rounded up...
by Cool Mom Team | Games + Gaming
Over the weekend, my two older kids plunged head first into the world of Minecraft, and save the couple of desperate tweets and Facebook posts asking for help, I was pretty much on my own getting them started. If you’ve got a kid who wants to play Minecraft,...
by Cool Mom Team | Games + Gaming
When my kids realized they could hand out diamonds to their friends for Valentine’s Day, they flipped. And they are so obsessed with Minecraft that even handing a ready-to-explode Creeper card sounds perfectly logical. If this all makes sense to you, you must...