by Cool Mom Team | Best Apps
After hearing about the new Instagram Terms of Service changes that announced yesterday, so many of you are writing to us asking for an alternative. And while they’ve updated with an explanation (sort of) on the Instagram blog that’s a combination of...
by Cool Mom Team | Best Apps
I admit that I am really bummed about not being able to post Instagram photos on Twitter anymore. But now that Twitter redeemed itself with adding photo filters, it looks like Instagram might be moving back into favor with me as well thanks to their new big...
by Cool Mom Team | Uncategorized
Oh Appy Day! gives you the scoop on the coolest apps from some of the coolest people anywhere. This week we’re thrilled to welcome photographer Nigel Barker, who may have answered this question faster than anyone else! I absolutely love Camera Plus for...
by Cool Mom Team | Link Roundups
Are you following us on Pinterest? Come join us, and check out great finds like these every day. 1. One of our all-time favorite photo apps is now free. Hooray! 2. Yes, we know it costs more than the iPad it carries, but wow, this case is a stunner. 3. This...
by Cool Mom Team | Photography
We’re seeing more and more moms slowly untethering themselves from their trusty smartphone cameras and going back to real cameras for special events that require oh, slightly better resolution and maybe even a zoom lens that works? I recently spent some time...
by Cool Mom Team | Websites We Love
Here’s to a ghoulish day that we hope is filled with your favorite candy, lots of awesome photo opps, and relatively painless sugar highs. And if you want to make a bewitching photo of yourself or your kiddos, you can use the Halloween themes from...
by Lexi Petronis | Photography
As much as I wish I were a scrapbooker–or, OK, even the kind of mama that actually puts photos into an album more than once a year–I’ve made my peace with the fact it’s probably not gonna happen. So I flock to cool apps like Martha...