by Cool Mom Team | Tips and Tricks
I downloaded the free for iPhone app way back when I upgraded my first generation iPhone to a pretty new iPhone 4, but it was only recently that I actually decided to upload a book. Now I’m kicking myself for not doing it sooner. While many people keep telling...
by Cool Mom Team | Tech Toys
I didn’t know until recently that Shel Silverstein’s The Giving Tree is wrought with controversy. But me? Maybe I’m not quite cynical enough because I love it. I have always appreciated the notion that there’s something to be said for finding...
by Cool Mom Team | Uncategorized
We’re thrilled to welcome Chicago-based dad Caleb Gardner as our guest Dads Dig This blogger. He writes about trying to be a good example for his son at The Exceptional Man. I read a lot of online media on any given day. A lot. But let’s face it: most...
by Beth | Tips and Tricks
From the rumors we’re hearing, it might not be long before our kids are toting a single e-reader to school in lieu of all those heavy textbooks. e-readers are changing the world, so it’s not surprising that we get a ton of mail from Cool Mom Tech readers...
by Cool Mom Team | Best Apps, Educational Apps
We’re gearing up for our annual family vacation, and instead of loading down our bag with bunch of books for the plane ride and bedtime, I’ve been loading them up electronically on my iPad. But with so many different options out there, I decided to give...