by Cool Mom Team | Tips and Tricks
Since my job is primarily on the Internet, I’m pretty vigilant about my family’s privacy. So every now and then I’ll search my name to see what comes up. And even though I removed myself from the Spokeo database a few years ago, I was shocked by what...
by Cool Mom Team | Websites We Love
If you’re a Google Mail user like us, then you’ve probably received a few notifications this week about some upcoming changes to Google’s Privacy Policy. While you don’t necessarily need to take any action when it comes to your privacy...
by Christina Refford | Tips and Tricks
In just a few short months, my iPad has become my handy little sidekick for checking everything from the weather, to the news headlines, to the latest movie reviews, wherever I am. And while I’ve found handy apps for all of these things, I am loving how Bing is...
by Christina Refford | Link Roundups
Badges? We don’t need no stinking badges! Unless they’re for things like Awesomeness, which they are. We hope you’ll give this round-up of picks the “You’re the Bomb” badge. 1. Google isn’t just for finding pics of Ryan...
by Cool Mom Team | Tips and Tricks
I’m a card-carrying member of the Google frequent searchers club, whether it’s odd cold symptoms or Ryan Reynolds photos. (Heh.). But little did I know that Google can do a whole lot more than just random searches. Here are four cool Google tricks that can...
by Cool Mom Team | Best Apps
I was definitely intrigued by the Dragon Dictation voice recognition software that we recently featured, so when I heard that they launched an app, you can bet I had to give it a try. And wow, this free app is nothing short of awesome, especially for busy parents....