by Jeana | Random Coolness
Junior high was the only time I used my school-appointed locker and half the time I could never even remember my padlock combination to get to my Trapper Keeper and magnetic mirror. Oh right, and my textbooks. If I only I had a digital padlock like the Master...
by Liz Gumbinner | Uncategorized
Since launching this site, I am slowly becoming something of a headphone snob. Let’s just say I was at one time able to buy the cheapie earbuds from the airline and be perfectly satisfied. Now? Not so much. If you’re like me, and care more about comfort...
by Kristen Chase | Tech Toys
We’ve featured all sorts of cool USB drives here on Cool Mom Tech, from stylish USB necklaces to personalized flash drives, even vintage toy usb drives, but these lipstick flash drives from PointsAndPlaces on Etsy take the face. Er, cake. Crafted by Toronto...
by Kate Etue | Best Apps, Educational Apps
As much as I’d love to take a trip to Europe with my kids and let them ride bikes through Holland to see the windmills and tulips, it’s just not in the budget this year. But I can still let them learn about Dutch culture through the beautifully illustrated...
by Julie | Gear + Hardware, Travel
Having recently returned from an awesome family camping trip, I was surprised to find how helpful tech could be — even on a trip that was as tech-free as we could make it. Turns out that some technology, when chosen wisely, can make getting in touch with nature...
by Nicole Blades | Photography
Can it get any cuter than this? That’s the first thing that I said to myself when I saw The Polaroid Cube camera. I mean, look at it: This new little number is teeny — less than 2 inches — but can shoot quality 6 megapixels photos and 1080 HD video....
by Nicole Blades | Uncategorized
The idea makes perfect sense: a portable, high performance solar charger for my smart devices that — best part — is actually compact enough to carry around. That’s the gist behind the Solarpod Buddy solar charger. It sounds kind of new-age and...
by Liz Gumbinner | Games + Gaming
My kids are way deep into a Minecraft obsession. They ask for Minecraft playdates, they’ve built full-size characters out of cardboard boxes, and my 9-year-old daughter talks about marrying the Enderman. She calls him Endy. They’re close like that. The...
by Kristen Chase | Uncategorized
When I saw the brilliance that is Kid Lid, I couldn’t help but wish I’d had one of these brilliant laptop keyboard covers when my kids were little. And that I had thought of an idea like this myself. Darn. Like dad Matt Mogol, founder of Kid Lid, I’d...