How to use the new Gboard app: Get search, emojis, and GIFs on your smart phone keyboard
Like most people, there isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t Google some information, whether it’s five times or 25 times. (Okay, sometimes 25 times an hour.) So you can imagine my excitement when the Gboard app rolled out a couple days ago. This...
The Mover Kit: The first wearable for kids they code and design themselves.
Over the past couple years, it has been incredible to witness all the awesome new ways we have to introduce our kids to STEM. And now we’ve come across another really cool product called Mover Kit, the first wearable for kids that they can code themselves. Cool!...
14 fun and fantastic Mother’s Day tech gifts + 1 seriously awesome giveaway
Mother’s Day is just around the corner, which means I get to create a list of fun tech items that I (uh, I mean mothers everywhere) may have on their wish lists. Even if they don’t know it yet. So while I love all the handprints in cement and DIY gifts...
CINEMOOD brings family entertainment to your wall (or anywhere) in a really cool new way
I love family movie nights, especially on those rare occasions when it takes less than 15 minutes for the kids to agree on what we’re going to watch. So when I heard about a new wireless projector called CINEMOOD that lets you bring family movie night with you...
Catch those new releases on FandangoNOW (and not two years later on TV)
It’s pretty rare that I watch a new release or an Oscar-nominated movie in any kind of timely manner, but today’s launch of a new service called FandangoNOW may make the impossible possible. We primarily know Fandango for movie listings and advanced ticket...
Waze Planned Drives: Big news for anyone who spends any time in the car at all, ever.
If you haven’t yet heard about the brand new feature from the Waze app called Waze Planned Drives, then you might be as excited as I am. Especially if, like me, if you’re the kind of person who had kids, then went from being always early, to the one...
A fun and squeezable way to communicate with your kids when you’re away
Even though my kids don’t have cell phones yet, they love texting their grandparents and especially love sending them audio messages (which iOS 8 made very easy to do). Sure, grabbing my phone and sending a sweet I scored a goal at my soccer game today! is...
Calling Toca Boca fans: Get ready to bust a move with the new Toca Dance app
As much as I can hold my own on the dance floor, the stark reality is that I have about two moves I heavily rely on. (Ask anyone at any wedding I’ve ever been to). Despite my efforts to expand my moves repertoire, I think I have to relegate myself to the fact...