Reader Q+A –  Hipstamatic for Android?

Reader Q+A – Hipstamatic for Android?

Q: Aw man…where is the Hipstamatic for us Android users? -Cool Mom Tech fan via Facebook. A: Lots of readers agreed with Debi Mazar’s Hipstamatic app recommendation on our site last week, but our Android users are again asking, “where’s my...
MeebleMail makes emails pretty

MeebleMail makes emails pretty

I used to love sending out handwritten notes on my pretty Jeana stationery when I was a kid. I always thought I was so special to have my own crisp white monogrammed paper with a pink polka-dot border. I was special. While handwritten notes have been bumped down the...
Orb music player is music to your ears

Orb music player is music to your ears

Over the years, I’ve spent a lot of time and money adding music to my digital collection, and making playlists for every event imaginable.  With warmer weather just around the corner, I’d like to think that my “BBQ Music,” “Summer...
Go ahead, drop your camera in the pool

Go ahead, drop your camera in the pool

Summer is just around the corner (finally!) along with fun, sun, and of course, cute little bodies in cute little bathing suits which make for plenty of photo opportunities. But there’s nothing like a big splash of water on your camera (or iPhone) to ruin the...
Jump on the Word Wagon bandwagon

Jump on the Word Wagon bandwagon

There are so many kids’ apps geared towards teaching letters and phonics and let’s be honest, a lot of them suck. But when we hear that developer Duck Duck Moose has got one out, we sit up and take notice. Word Wagon is a very cute kids’ learning app...