by Cool Mom Team | Out-Tech Your Kids podcast
With kids doing online learning, and parents working (and screening ourselves), we thought it would be a good idea to tackle eye strain and fatigue on this week’s episode of Out-Tech Your Kids. In just ten minutes, you’ll get some helpful tips, product...
by Kristen Chase | Out-Tech Your Kids podcast
Considering we’re still in the middle of a pandemic, and we’ve got cold and flu season right around the corner, we figured it would be helpful to talk about how families can properly clean their family’s phones. They’re super expensive, very...
by Cool Mom Team | Out-Tech Your Kids podcast
For most of us, our kids will be engaging in some form of online learning this fall. So, we decided to poll our Out-Tech Your Kids Facebook Group members and get their favorite tech tips to help make the whole process a little easier. We hope they help you as much as...
by Cool Mom Team | Out-Tech Your Kids podcast
Whatever your child is doing for school this year, we know that parents are involved in the process. This year, you might be even more involved that ever. So, we thought it might be helpful to share some helpful online resources (7, to be exact), that will help...
by Cool Mom Team | Out-Tech Your Kids podcast, Back to School Tech
On this week’s episode of Out Tech Your Kids, we’re answering the question we’re getting from SO many parents right now: How do I pick the right laptop for my child this year? Chromebook? MacBook? Something else? What kind of functionality do the...
by Cool Mom Team | Out-Tech Your Kids podcast
If you’re like us, then you’re doing whatever you can to get your kids outside and enjoy the amazing weather before online school starts and the cold weather hits. Turns out, technology can be a great way to make that happen, which we know might seem a...
by Cool Mom Team | Out-Tech Your Kids podcast
If you’re taking lots of smartphone photos like we are these days, we’ve got some clever tips and tricks that will totally up your game (and your Insta-cred with your kids). Whether you’ve got an iPhone or an Android, we think you’ll appreciate...
by Cool Mom Team | Out-Tech Your Kids podcast, Tips and Tricks
Okay, so plenty of us gave up on the same screen time limits we had pre-Covid. But that’s not to say we don’t still have screen time fights with the kids. Or uh…arguments? Debates? Gentle disagreements? If you’re looking to cut back on the...
by Cool Mom Team | Out-Tech Your Kids podcast, Tips and Tricks
Kids are pretty darn smart, but we can be smarter, parents! On this week’s Out-Tech Your Kids podcast, we’re talking about the ways kids can circumvent parental controls so you can be prepared, thanks to the members of our Out-Tech Your Kids Facebook group...
by Liz Gumbinner | Out-Tech Your Kids podcast, Social Media, Tips and Tricks
We’ve always said that all screen time is not created equal! And on this week’s Out-Tech Your Kids podcast, we’re talking about the benefits of social media for kids. Social media tends to get a bad rap — let alone specific channels like TikTok...
by Cool Mom Team | Out-Tech Your Kids podcast
Anyone else have thousands of photos on their phone like us? If you do, then you know how much of a pain it can be trying to find a photo in your albums. That’s why on today’s episode of Out-Tech Your Kids podcast, we’re answering this question: How...
by Liz Gumbinner | Out-Tech Your Kids podcast, Social Media, Tips and Tricks
“Don’t read the comments” isn’t going to fly when your kids are old enough to watch YouTube videos without you around, let alone managing their own TikTok accounts. But learning how to be a responsible commenter is a skill that comes in handy...