by Kristen Chase | Tips and Tricks
I have to say that I have mastered the art of a good selfie, as you might be able to tell from my Instagram feed, but I’m getting especially good at taking a selfie with kids. Because let’s be honest, it’s the only way I’ll actually make it in...
by Liz Gumbinner | Tips and Tricks
In light of this week’s big news about the Apple Security Breach, a reader of ours (and probably many of you) are wondering how to make Chrome the default browser for iPhone and iPad, in lieu of Safari. Especially because at this time, Chrome is simply more...
by Kristen Chase | Tips and Tricks
When my 11-year old son got stranded in the terrible snowstorm we had here in Atlanta a few weeks ago, I decided that he might need an emergency cell phone for kids. While he does have an iPod Touch, I think he needs something else. Any suggestions? -Laurie As...
by Liz Gumbinner | Gear + Hardware, Tips and Tricks
If you’re an Amazon Prime member, then you might be wondering how to borrow a book from the Kindle library–one of the excellent benefits you get with your membership. Now granted they’re probably not all books you actually want to read (if...
by Pilar | Tips and Tricks
I’m usually not one for New Year’s resolutions, but, in the spirit of getting more done in 2014, I decided to tackle my email–like so many of you who ask us how to clean up your inbox when it’s overrun with more emails than anyone can keep up with....
by Kristen Chase | Tips and Tricks
Although my own kids haven’t made any in-app purchases without my permission that I know of (knocking on wood right now), I know lots of parents whose kids certainly have. And thanks to a new FTC ruling, Apple has to pay you back for all those accidental in-app...
by Jeana | Tips and Tricks
Ever since my kids started elementary school, I have always tried to volunteer and chaperone whenever possible, especially in these years that the kids still actually want me to be there. But with many different opportunities to help out in the classroom, school...
by Kristen Chase | Causes and Giving Back, Tips and Tricks
If you’re like us, you’re on a tech organization rampage right now, like backing up data, organizing digital photos, and getting rid of those cord tangles once and for all. Or at least until February. But before you close the curtain on 2013, might we...
by Liz Gumbinner | Tips and Tricks
If you’re giving a tech gift, here are 7 basic tips to add to your checklist, to make sure kids (and eager adults) can just rip open those packages and start playing. Not that we remember them ourselves all the time. Which is why we’re making a list that...
by Cool Mom Team | Tips and Tricks
If you’re wondering how to get started on Twitter or what the heck MT means, just this morning our Editor Liz Gumbinner shared her tips on The Today Show. Take a peek at the video clip to get the skinny on hashtags, retweets, who to follow, and all the basics to...
by Liz Gumbinner | Tips and Tricks
We have a lot of discussion here internally about the ethics and importance of using so-called hidden nanny cams or other security cameras around the house. But one thing we can all agree on: These security cameras are hilarious. If you like conceptual recycled...
by Kristen Chase | Tips and Tricks
There’s no shortage of cool gadgets to help you find lost items, but lost cars? Not so much. I’m not quite sure if it’s that I’m getting older or I’m trying to do too many things at once, but lately, I’ve been forgetting where I...