by Christina Refford | Best Apps, Educational Apps
If you could see how bananas my grade-school-age kids just went over an “alphabet app,” you might think they were watching some ridiculous YouTube video. Surely an eight and ten year old couldn’t be hysterically laughing while playing an app whose...
by Christina Refford | Best Apps, Educational Apps
Today’s Inauguration gives us a great opportunity to talk to the kids about the role of our President and some of the more interesting and colorful figures to have graced the Oval Office. But, if you slept through history class as much as I did, you may also...
by Pilar | Best Apps, Educational Apps
Like most kids, my preschooler likes action. Especially when it comes to apps. Surprisingly, she now counts a mellow octopus among her favorite digital friends, and goes back to his animated storybook time and time again. Less a narrative and more an interactive...
by Christina Refford | Best Apps, Educational Apps
Ever since my son learned his five multiplication tables before he could even write his numbers correctly (thanks Schoolhouse Rock!), I’ve found that math is one of those subjects that doesn’t necessarily need to be taught in any cut-and-dried order....
by Stephanie Mayers | Best Apps, Educational Apps
Watching my daughter have to think hard while she is playing with an educational app makes me smile big. And being able to finally take advantage of the booming educational app market is a joy when presented with some of the amazing options out there. Our newest...
by Cool Mom Team | Editors' Picks of the Year
The older our kids get, the more picky they get about their apps. For kids in the 7 and up range, we love these Android and iOS apps for their ability to keep fickle kids engaged with a minimum of the gunplay and stuff parents get squidgy about. FOR IOS Liz: Geography...
by Cool Mom Team | Editors' Picks of the Year
One our favorite things to do is really pare down the best apps for kids, keeping an eye out for red flags like in-app purchases and safety concerns. In fact, it’s amazing how many apps for kids we try and delete compared to those we can truly recommend. So...
by Cool Mom Team | Uncategorized
The more parents are realizing that tablets can be an awesome educational resource for our kids, the more companies are jumping on board to make their device more appealing to parents than others. Starting today, Kindle becomes an even bigger contender with an...
by Cool Mom Team | Best Apps, Educational Apps
My kids, like all kids it seems, are big fans of the blockbuster Fruit Ninja app. So when I heard about a new app that pretty much rips it off but adds math to the equation (heh) I was interested in checking it out. Now I’ll start with the big disclaimer that I...