5 Pinterest pins worth sharing

5 Pinterest pins worth sharing

Obsessed with Pinterest like we are? Here are our 5 favorite pins from this week that we think are worth sharing. Enjoy! 1. A brilliant travel gadget you Mac users should never leave home without. 2. A video gaming family’s organizational dream!3....
Who you gonna call?

Who you gonna call?

I used to spend hours wearing a path in the carpet and talking on our wall-anchored telephone. And though my tween daughter will be less, er, tethered when she finally gets her own phone, I know she will probably follow in my chatty footsteps. Still, I’ve heard...
Kung-fu UV Panda

Kung-fu UV Panda

We love cute. We love smart. And we hate hate hate yucky bacteria, especially the kind that winds up on kids’ toothbrushes and in their mouths.And that’s why we adore this panda, the cutest, newest release from the line of Zapi toothbrush sanitizers When...
Piquing Our Geek: Jawbone UP

Piquing Our Geek: Jawbone UP

Every time I’ve tried to lose my postpartum baby weight (that’s uh, four times for those of you keeping count) I find I have the most success when I keep a journal of what I’m eating and how I’m working out. So as I try to lose those last pesky...
3 gadgets for getting in shape

3 gadgets for getting in shape

When I started running two years ago, it was to help me lose the last 10 pounds of my baby weight. But like many mother runners out there, I found myself actually enjoying it – finding solace, peace, and a smaller butt along the way. While all you really need...
Smoothies, Martha Stewart style

Smoothies, Martha Stewart style

This holiday season, my family enjoyed the spoils from my experimentation with the very cool Martha Stewart Makes Cookies iPad app, so you can imagine how excited they were when I decided to give her new smoothies app a try, just in time for fresh fruit season. Not...
3 ways to calm your cell phone radiation fears

3 ways to calm your cell phone radiation fears

I admit that when I read about World Health Organization report that cell phone use can possibly cause cancer, I got a little bit worried. Before you panic, it’s important to know that no adverse health effects have actually been established. And really,...