by Eva Glettner | Best Apps
Some of my earliest childhood memories were scoring the goal as the only girl on my soccer team, learning to bunt on the Cardinals, and my flying Kareem Abdul Jabbar hook shot. I want my children to build memories playing their own sports–but not at the risk of...
by Jeana | Tips and Tricks
We’re so appreciative of our Cool Mom Picks community on Facebook, but thanks to recent major Facebook changes the site has made, we’re hearing that a lot of you aren’t seeing our updates. We feel for you! We’re not seeing a lot of our own...
by Cool Mom Team | Best Apps
The idea of trips with the girlfriends or big family vacations sound amazing until you actually have to plan and organize them. Then, let’s just say the magic disappears pretty quickly. That’s why I’m super excited about a new site that is aiming to...
by Cool Mom Team | Best Apps
We were smitten with the Red Rover app even before it came so hugely popular, but even good apps have room for improvements. Which is exactly what we think has happened with their new upgrade that should make a lot more parents take a look. If you’re not...
by Cool Mom Team | Uncategorized
Oh Appy Day! gives you the scoop on the coolest apps from some of the coolest people anywhere. This week we’re thrilled to welcome daytime Emmy winner and The View co-host Sherri Shepherd to share her favorite. When I eat out with friends, I love being able to...
by Cool Mom Team | Uncategorized
I’m really not averse to plastic gadgets if they help make my life easier, but I’m always on the lookout for more eco-friendly options. And that’s exactly what I found with this handy tool that will help you keep your headphone and earbud cords knot...
by Cool Mom Team | Life and Home
I’ve always known the simplehuman line of trash cans to be well designed, but it wasn’t until I saw a demo of their brilliant new Sensor Can that I actually started coveting it. Coveting. A garbage can. I know. The simplehuman Sensor Can is no mere trash...
by Cool Mom Team | Tips and Tricks
Since purchasing my MacBook Pro late last year, I became addicted to the convenience and functionality of Google Docs. Turns out, I’m not the only one. When we asked our readers and Twitter followers how you are using Google Docs, the answers were so varied, it...
by Cool Mom Team | Back to School Tech
We know the one thing integral to keeping your sanity during back to school time is organization. Whether you volunteered to be the classroom mom and need to help wrangling 26 families or you’re just trying to keep track of your own, we’ve rounded up 9 of...