The easiest photo album app yet

The easiest photo album app yet

As much as I wish I were a scrapbooker–or, OK, even the kind of mama that actually puts photos into an album more than once a year–I’ve made my peace with the fact it’s probably not gonna happen. So I flock to cool apps like Martha...
Turn your Instagram photos into art

Turn your Instagram photos into art

I’ve made all sorts of amazing gifts from Instagram photos, like custom coasters even photo books from my iPhone, but I’ve been hesitant to try the many photo to canvas services because I’m a little worried about how the resolution will translate....
Edible Instagrams? We’ll take it!

Edible Instagrams? We’ll take it!

At first when I heard about an edible Instagram product I thought…InstaGrahams? But nope. No clever puns. Just beautiful, delicious chocolate. The new service Cocoagraph, from 3D Fine Arts major Rae Vittorelli, merges chocolate and photography–two of our...
Turn your Instagram photos into coasters

Turn your Instagram photos into coasters

Considering most of the photos of my kids are taken with the Instagram app, I’m always looking for cool ways to get them off my camera.So now, along with Casetagram iPhone cases and Stitchtagram pillows, you’ve got a new option: turning your Instagram...