3 sexy Lomocams for Valentines Day

3 sexy Lomocams for Valentines Day

I first stumbled upon lomography back in the mid-’90s thanks to a super cool West Village shop that sold these wacky cameras with four lenses on them that I simply had to try. (Okay, so I bought one for a friend’s birthday gift and the party got cancelled...
Holy Holga Case, Batman! Or Android users. (Same thing?)

Holy Holga Case, Batman! Or Android users. (Same thing?)

‘Droiders, rejoice! We were jumping with nerdy photo-taking joy when the Holga iPhone lens made it possible to take Instagram-like photos from your smartphone and whatdya know? Now there’s a Holga for the Samsung Galaxy i9100. Like the iPhone version we...
Best Windows Phone photo apps? Reader Q+A

Best Windows Phone photo apps? Reader Q+A

Q: You keep posting all these awesome must-have apps, but what about for those of us who have Windows phones? I am looking for a photo app. Do you know of any that are worth getting? Right now I just send all my pictures to Facebook, which is annoying because then I...