by Christina Refford | Tech Toys
There seems to be no shortage of websites or online games that will help teach our kids coding so they can be ready to head out into this increasingly technical world. And as much as I love that there are so many online options, sometimes I just don’t want to...
by Christina Refford | Best Apps, Educational Apps
Every summer I vow that we’re going to do enriching activities to keep everyone’s brain sharp, but then my resolve melts faster than ice cream on a hot day once we start enjoying the lazy, unscheduled days of summer. But, I’ve found a great new...
by Liz Gumbinner | Tech Toys
Walking through the crowded, cacophonic aisles of International CES 2015 earlier this year, we were instantly drawn to one booth featuring adorable little robots gliding around the rug, and beeping and booping at our feet. It turned out to be the Dash Robot from...
by Christina Refford | Tech Toys
I’m not alone in wanting my kids to learn the basics of coding and am thankful there are so many ways to get them interested in the subject. We’ve covered cool clubs and camps, lots of fun games, as well as apps and websites like ScratchJr and Hopscotch....
by Christina Refford | Tech Toys
Back in September, I discovered a cool board game on Kickstarter with a lofty goal: To teach kids as young as four the basics of programming. And now that I have a final copy of Robot Turtles, I can say that you parents of preschoolers are about to have a lot of fun...
by Jeana | Best Apps, Educational Apps
I really appreciate the initiatives in recent years to get young kids involved in STEM and tech-centric activities like coding at younger ages. We’ve covered awesome resources like Tynker and Hello Ruby and now I’ve come across another cool coding tool for...