by Jeana | Gear + Hardware
I shudder when I think about my kids running around as teenagers. I can only imagine the kind of technology that will be available to them and how they and their peers will be using it. I don’t envision ever “tracking” my kids via GPS locator, but...
by Cool Mom Team | Link Roundups
Have you ever noticed how… absorbent the web can be? You just open Twitter or Pinterest for a few seconds, and suddenly information and interesting things are just gushing everywhere. Before you have one of those not-so-fresh, overloaded days, check out our...
by Cool Mom Team | Tips and Tricks
I’m a card-carrying member of the Google frequent searchers club, whether it’s odd cold symptoms or Ryan Reynolds photos. (Heh.). But little did I know that Google can do a whole lot more than just random searches. Here are four cool Google tricks that can...