Texting without borders with Sendboo. Magnifique!

Texting without borders with Sendboo. Magnifique!

My kids are really lucky to have cousins, grandparents, aunts and uncles all nearby, but I missed out on having that big extended family around, with so many relatives in Korea. While we keep up over email and the occasional phone call, the language barrier sometimes...
An app to put the kibosh on texting and driving.

An app to put the kibosh on texting and driving.

We all know that texting and driving don’t mix. But whether we don’t trust our text-loving teen–or even ourselves when we hear the joyous ding of a new message on our phone–this genius app has a very clever solution. (And hint, hint: It’s...
5 picks you might have missed this week

5 picks you might have missed this week

Have you ever noticed how… absorbent the web can be? You just open Twitter or Pinterest for a few seconds, and suddenly information and interesting things are just gushing everywhere. Before you have one of those not-so-fresh, overloaded days, check out our...
OMG, u can save $$ on txts w/Textfree

OMG, u can save $$ on txts w/Textfree

Every time I get my AT&T bill, I brace myself for the additional charges I may have accrued from my month-long thumb frenzy with friends. Sure, I have a number of free texts built into my plan, but I do text a lot and even the short texts like, “Can’t...