by Liz Gumbinner | Life and Home
There are quite a few virtual decorating online resources that allow you to place your virtual furniture in your virtual home to get a sense of what it will look like. We’ve liked SketchUp, NousDecor, and even the awesome augmented reality decorating app from...
by Julie | Websites We Love
I was once a struggling engineering student, so I have a special appreciation for the courage and creativity of kids who really want to know how stuff works and aren’t afraid to jump in and figure it out. Now that one of my own kids is convinced she wants to be...
by Julie | Causes and Giving Back
We always love seeing what the cool dads of the world are up to, because not only are they pretty awesome at this whole child-rearing thing, they’ve got some great ideas about how to make the world a better place. In fact, that’s the goal behind the new...
by Nicole Blades | Websites We Love
Have you ever been going somewhere specific, but you take an early turn and end up somewhere completely unknown and completely fantastic? You feel like you’ve discovered something private and special. How did I not know about this place? Well, that’s what...
by Cool Mom Team | Best Apps
Recently, we were introduced to LiveHealth Online, a smart new Internet-based service and mobile app from WellPoint that allows you to choose from a list of board-certified doctors and get medical care and advice right from your home. Seriously, you can show a doctor...
by Kate Etue | Websites We Love
More and more classrooms are going digital with volunteer signups these days, which means room parents get to avoid the hassle of collecting rounds of paperwork from all the students in their class. Not to mention the environmental impact of saving all that paper....
by Liz Gumbinner | Websites We Love
I have just discovered the new ingredients database, TellSpecopedia, and I warn you, click over and it will be hard to leave. This clean, easy to navigate site currently details more than 1,300 ingredients found in foods and cosmetics from the common to the...