by Cool Mom Team | Best Apps, Educational Apps
When my children discovered the Three Little Pigs storybook app on a friend’s iPad, I had absolutely zero doubt in my mind that we’d be running home to purchase it that very night. In a word, this app is masterful. Or to use more words, it’s...
by Cool Mom Team | Tips and Tricks
With spring officially here in the Deep South, I’m determined to do a massive spring cleaning before the end of the week. And that includes my computer, which definitely needs a little TLC. So while I’m dusting the blinds and washing the windows,...
by Cool Mom Team | Uncategorized
Last week we launched our new feature Oh Appy Day!, which gives you the scoop on the coolest apps from some of the coolest people anywhere. This week, Chef Richard Blais, award winning chef, dad of two, and Top Chef All Stars Finalist, shares one of his personal...
by Cool Mom Team | Uncategorized
With kids around, you can bet I’m extra nervous about keeping my precious files, documents, photos and music on my computer and portable gadgets, so I’ve been making it a point to upload everything to the cloud for a little extra security. But instead of...
by Cool Mom Team | Tips and Tricks
I consider myself to be a fairly organized person, but I admit to pushing photo organization to the very bottom of my list. That means I’ve got a zillion photos on my DSLR and smartphone, and the rest are scattered about my computer in oddly named files that...
by Cool Mom Team | Babies, Best Apps
The joke around our house is that by the time we actually get around to sending paper baby announcements, we might as well just make them first birthday party invitations and kill two birds with one stone. Or card. Too bad I didn’t have this amazing iPhone app...
by Cool Mom Team | Websites We Love
Now that it’s getting to where can crack our window to let in some fresh air without freezing us all out, I am in full scale spring cleaning/redecorating mode. Even my old MacBook is feeling a little dowdy these days–which only has a little something to do...
by Cool Mom Team | Tips and Tricks
I was wondering if Cool Mom Tech has a recommendation for an online calendar system to keep up with everyone’s busy schedules in my family? I need something that syncs with my Blackberry, as well as Outlook or Yahoo, and preferably free! -PI We’re firm...
by Cool Mom Team | Entertainment, Kids
We’re beyond excited to launch Oh Appy Day!, a brand new feature here on Cool Mom Tech that will give you the scoop on the coolest apps from some of the coolest people anywhere. First up is one of our favorite kid’s music artists (and really, one of...