by Cool Mom Team | Editors' Picks of the Year, Gear + Hardware
We’re always excited to try out all the new gadgets each year and wow, what a long way we’ve come since Cool Mom Tech launched five years ago. Technology like pressure touch screens, the overwhelming adoption of streaming music and media, the desire for...
by Cool Mom Team | Gear + Hardware
This is a sponsored message from Amazon With tech at the top of so many kids’ holiday wish lists this year and so many gadgets on the market, it can be hard for parents to navigate through all the options. This year, Amazon is offering two kid-friendly devices...
by Cool Mom Team | Gear + Hardware, Holiday Tech Gifts
We are so happy to present our 2015 holiday tech gift guide, where we get to share with you the coolest, most fun, most gifty of the giftiest tech gifts for everyone you love on your list, starting with some of our favorites: The coolest tech gifts for travelers....
by Cool Mom Team | Gear + Hardware, Internet Safety, Tips and Tricks
One of the most frequent questions we’re asked at Cool Mom Tech is at what age we think kids are ready to get their first cell phones. And, well, the short answer is… it depends. Unfortunately, it’s not an easy fill in a number here answer. Because...
by Jeana | Babies, Gear + Hardware, Life and Home
If there’s one thing that’s in my never enough category, it’s sleep (okay, and Bradley Cooper), and I’m guessing that’s the case for most parents. Well, the sleep part; not the Bradley part. But a new device on Indiegogo called REMI may...
by Kate Etue | Gear + Hardware, Kids
This nice fall weather is making me want to take our entertaining outside, so the kids can run around and play while the parents can sit on the porch with a mug of hot cider (or something stronger) and chat. But since it’s kind of sad to have the...
by Liz Gumbinner | Gear + Hardware, Tech Toys
It’s hard to believe this was my first ever year attending the Maker Faire in NYC, but yep. It’s true. And now consider me an annual attendee. Thanks to our sponsor Sprout by HP who hooked me up with tickets (thank you thank you thank you, HP!) I got to...
by Kate Etue | Gear + Hardware
We’ve gotten to the point where my kids watch most of their shows and movies on our iPad. The sound is fine when just one of them is using it at a time, but when they’re trying to share it — which is a feat in and of itself — the sound can be...
by Jeana | Gear + Hardware
The annual Apple announcement always marks the passage of yet another year for those of us in tech — and is also a reminder of the new, shiny iOS features that my current iPhone now lacks. Each September, we come to expect a flurry of new products, features and...
by Nicole Blades | Back to School Tech, Best Apps, Gear + Hardware
It may sound a tad hokey, but reading really is fundamental to school and life in general, which is why we’ve worked hard to put together 8 of the very best reading apps for older kids as part of our Back to School Tech Guide 2015. Whether you have an older...
by Kate Etue | Gear + Hardware
Unless you are a parent who just doesn’t use a cell phone yourself — which, huh? — we guarantee your kids will be begging pretty much by the time they get to kindergarten, and see one classmate who already has one. We don’t entirely think that...
by Julie | Gear + Hardware
At a time when it seems like our favorite gadgets are getting bigger, not smaller (hello, iPhone 6+) it’s pretty cool to discover the Remix Mini — an incredible new computer that you can easily hold in your hand. Seriously. Everything about the Mini kind...