by Cool Mom Team | Uncategorized
When I opened the mysterious package that arrived for me this week, I was surprised to pull out a vintage hat box. Surprised and happy–since vintage hat boxes are one of my most favorite things. Inside, there was all this cool ephemera…a very smart way of...
by Cool Mom Team | Uncategorized
Like many of you, we’ve used Picnik on a fairly regular basis. But now that it’s officially closed today, it’s time for some new photo editing options. In case you missed them, here are a few of our favorite Picnik alternatives that we’ve...
by Cool Mom Team | Photography
Now that photo apps like Instagram and Hipstamatic have made square photos more common, it was only a matter of time before someone got into the frame game with options made just for our collective iPhoneography obsession. Hatchcraft is a nifty little company...
by Cool Mom Team | Tips and Tricks
Welcome to Cool Mom Tech! If you caught our Editor-in-Chief Liz on The Today Show this morning talking about six apps and websites that will make your life easier, we’ve rounded them up here for you. This virtual corkboard allows you to pin...
by Cool Mom Team | Editors' Picks of the Year
If parents all do one thing with technology, it’s take and share pictures. Lots and lots of pictures. This year saw a slew of new apps and resources to help making your picture taking, editing and sharing easier and more fun. Here are our editors’...
by Liz Gumbinner | Best Apps
Recently, I was looking at a friend’s amazing Instagram stream and I asked how she got her photos looking so gorgeous. She said one word: Rosebud. Then she died. No, just kidding. She said Snapseed. Within moments I had it downloaded. And let me say, this is...
by Cool Mom Team | Websites We Love
It’s hard to remember that there was a time that we simply snapped photos and had to be satisfied (gasp) with whatever it was that appeared on the film a few weeks later. No Photoshop? No Instagram filters? The horror! The new website, Picfull, makes it crazy...
by Cool Mom Team | Photography
I’m a little obsessed with the Instagram app, which means I have lots of cool photos and not much to do with them. At least until I discovered this new gift from Keepsy, that will be making many of my family members very happy this holiday season. I was thrilled...
by Christina Refford | Websites We Love
It’s Halloween! Yay! And that means as parents, the only thing we’ll have more of tomorrow morning than slimy, discarded candy wrappers, is digital photos. Because you are of course obligated to send dozens of photos to every relative on your list as a...
by Cool Mom Team | Photography
After having just uploaded oh…hundreds of photos from my camera after the BlogHer conference (give me one mojito and suddenly everything looks like a good picture) I can’t sing the praises of the Eye-Fi wireless memory cards enough. Especially since...