5 picks you might have missed this week

5 picks you might have missed this week

Here are some of our favorite picks on Cool Mom Tech from last week. 1. Finding cool new music–the kind that’s more hip and alternative and less Fergielicious–just got easier with this wonderful music app recommended by a Grammy-nominated musician...
e-Cards that are so moving. Literally

e-Cards that are so moving. Literally

Here’s a new twist on the growing market of instant e-Cards–an app that lets you customize an animated message for just about every occasion. Also? It’s free The YourCards app has a great selection of video e-cards that your children are going to...
Welcome CBS Early Show viewers!

Welcome CBS Early Show viewers!

We’re so thrilled that you caught our Editor-in-Chief Liz Gumbinner on the Early Show this morning talking about the Babycenter.com Mobile Moms research. Or if you missed the segment, you can watch it right here. We’re the first to admit that we love our...
Oh Appy Day! featuring Richard Blais

Oh Appy Day! featuring Richard Blais

Last week we launched our new feature Oh Appy Day!, which gives you the scoop on the coolest apps from some of the coolest people anywhere. This week, Chef Richard Blais, award winning chef, dad of two, and Top Chef All Stars Finalist, shares one of his personal...